Performing Arts Captains Handbook 2019
L eading a L egacy – P erforming A rts C aptains
A word to the Captains from the Captains before...
Sebastian Angliss-Li and Manasi Guduri
Congratulations, PA Captains of the future, you have an exciting year ahead!! Your role is pretty full on, but Mrs Roberts and Mrs D’Arcy are amazing mentors. They’ll guide you through the do’s and don’ts and make sure that you’re ready and capable of stepping into your captaincy. It takes a little while to get comfortable speaking to a crowd and doing impromptu announcements, but it’s also a great experience. Make sure that you’re always the positive ones, whether you realise it or not, the younger kids will look to you and you will want to make them proud. As much as we are devastated we will have graduated by the time the new PA is finished next year, we cannot wait to hear what you bring to the new theatre. Make it your new home and make it special!
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Somerset College Performing Arts Captains Handbook
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