Performing Arts Captains Handbook 2019
W hat does your position entail ? PA captaining entails public speaking, writing speeches for assembly, hosting some of the crazy nights such as House Plays, Drama Festivals, Musicals, Cultural Collages and Dance Concerts. Since the PA is always busy, you’re pretty much always speaking at Assembly to make sure everyone knows what’s going on. Weekly meetings with your mentors also make sure that you’re always on top of everything you need to be- so don’t panic. Mrs Roberts and Mrs D’Arcy are experts at guiding us through our tasks, so you’re never alone. F ive tips for you as successors • Work with your partner. This is so important. You’re in this position together and they’ll be there to support you. When Seb’s off being a candlestick, Manasi is backstage helping out. When Manasi is off dancing, Seb’s stepping up and hosting. They help balance out the things you do and your responsibilities- and make your job a whole lot easier if you allow them to be your support system. • Have a positive impact. You don’t have to be the best performer, or the most talented. It’s about making sure you have a positive presence around the school and in particular the PA theatre. Help out in setting up, make sure everyone knows what’s going on. Try and make life a little easier, that’s what makes the difference. • Enjoy the little things. Year 12 goes by crazy fast, but always take a deep breath and enjoy the little things. Whether that’s backstage encouragement before a performance or the weekly meetings, enjoy all the things that you’re lucky to experience. Also, just enjoy Year 12 as a whole. Time literally flies so quickly it isn’t even funny. Yes, it is stressful, but it’ll all be worth it at the end. • You’re most likely going to make mistakes. We’ve done this, a lot. But everyone has (literally just think about Aidan’s speech), making mistakes is a part of the job. But we can definitely say that we are a more comfortable speaking in public. Mrs Roberts and Mrs D’Arcy are awesome supporters and provide amazing feedback that you need to take onboard - they’re all-knowing and all-seeing creatures, so trust them.
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Somerset College Performing Arts Captains Handbook
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