Performing Arts Captains Handbook 2019
P erforming A rts C aptains
S omerset C ollege P ersonal S uccess | G lobal O utlook
L eading a L egacy – P erforming A rts C aptains
A word to the Captains from the Captains before...
Sebastian Angliss-Li and Manasi Guduri
Congratulations, PA Captains of the future, you have an exciting year ahead!! Your role is pretty full on, but Mrs Roberts and Mrs D’Arcy are amazing mentors. They’ll guide you through the do’s and don’ts and make sure that you’re ready and capable of stepping into your captaincy. It takes a little while to get comfortable speaking to a crowd and doing impromptu announcements, but it’s also a great experience. Make sure that you’re always the positive ones, whether you realise it or not, the younger kids will look to you and you will want to make them proud. As much as we are devastated we will have graduated by the time the new PA is finished next year, we cannot wait to hear what you bring to the new theatre. Make it your new home and make it special!
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Somerset College Performing Arts Captains Handbook
W hat does your position entail ? PA captaining entails public speaking, writing speeches for assembly, hosting some of the crazy nights such as House Plays, Drama Festivals, Musicals, Cultural Collages and Dance Concerts. Since the PA is always busy, you’re pretty much always speaking at Assembly to make sure everyone knows what’s going on. Weekly meetings with your mentors also make sure that you’re always on top of everything you need to be- so don’t panic. Mrs Roberts and Mrs D’Arcy are experts at guiding us through our tasks, so you’re never alone. F ive tips for you as successors • Work with your partner. This is so important. You’re in this position together and they’ll be there to support you. When Seb’s off being a candlestick, Manasi is backstage helping out. When Manasi is off dancing, Seb’s stepping up and hosting. They help balance out the things you do and your responsibilities- and make your job a whole lot easier if you allow them to be your support system. • Have a positive impact. You don’t have to be the best performer, or the most talented. It’s about making sure you have a positive presence around the school and in particular the PA theatre. Help out in setting up, make sure everyone knows what’s going on. Try and make life a little easier, that’s what makes the difference. • Enjoy the little things. Year 12 goes by crazy fast, but always take a deep breath and enjoy the little things. Whether that’s backstage encouragement before a performance or the weekly meetings, enjoy all the things that you’re lucky to experience. Also, just enjoy Year 12 as a whole. Time literally flies so quickly it isn’t even funny. Yes, it is stressful, but it’ll all be worth it at the end. • You’re most likely going to make mistakes. We’ve done this, a lot. But everyone has (literally just think about Aidan’s speech), making mistakes is a part of the job. But we can definitely say that we are a more comfortable speaking in public. Mrs Roberts and Mrs D’Arcy are awesome supporters and provide amazing feedback that you need to take onboard - they’re all-knowing and all-seeing creatures, so trust them.
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Somerset College Performing Arts Captains Handbook
• Your captaincy is a privilege, not a title. Yes, you can be excited that you’re a captain, but there are others out there that weren’t as lucky as you. Becoming a captain doesn’t mean that you gain authority- it means that you’re lucky to be in a position where your job is to make other people’s lives a little easier. You’re lucky enough to represent a portion of Somerset’s Performing Arts Community, but at the same time, you’re required to be an active, reliable and supportive member of every aspect of the same community. You’ve got to step up and try and help out as much as you can, because that’s the privilege that comes with the badge. Highlight of our Captaincy Being backstage whilst hosting any PA events. Getting to experience and being able to support the cast members and performers and being lucky enough to be a part of the experience as a whole. We’ve been really lucky that we’ve been able to provide cast members a little bit of encouragement before they hop onto stage, to help alleviate the stress of crazy set transitions. All of these experiences really allow you to bond with the crazy community. Unexpected things that happened during our Captaincy Most of the things that happen on stage and backstage are complete sur- prises, so be quick on your feet because you have to adapt. Memorable moments with Mrs Roberts and Mrs D’Arcy Every Monday Recess meeting is a memorable moment. You’ll get off topic for sure, but it’s a wild ride. As expected, we’re a little dramatic, but Mrs Roberts and Mrs D’Arcy have a killer wit that will make sure you get a laugh out of the meetings. L ooking B ack
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Somerset College Performing Arts Captains Handbook
F ive things you won ’ t know about M rs R oberts and M rs D’A rcy : • Mrs Roberts has an emotion of the day chart. • Also, a handy ‘NO!’ button. • Try and figure out which Beauty and the Beast inanimate object they are- deep and personal here guys… • They expect you to provide gourmet meals for them every meeting (just kidding). • It is a fact that they are the wisest and most amazing humans you will ever work with. T he position of P erforming A rts C aptain at S omerset can best be described as : A crazy, hectic, never-ending stream of drama and performance and talent. We are blown away by how many students get involved, how many rehearsals are running and how many instruments are crammed into the band room. It’s an amazing community to be a part of, you’ll find the most dramatic, hard-working and passionate people. T hings we will miss most about our C aptaincy The people- the student leadership team is an amazing one to be a part of, so we will definitely miss the scramble to get academic gowns that fit. Also, the food. Mr Bassingthwaite and Mrs Foster are really nice and give you food- whether that’s lollies at meetings or sandwiches…food is always a plus. But jokes aside, we will miss working with Mrs. Roberts and Mrs. D’Arcy the most.
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Somerset College Performing Arts Captains Handbook
O ur advice to you is … Make the most of it. Year 12 is crazy, but this is really a one-of-a-kind experience, it’ll have it’s a crazy rollercoaster of emotion and stress and nerves, but it’s always accompanied by memorable experiences and laughs. Wear the badge with pride and humility and try to give off as many positive experiences and memories that you can. There are so many opportunities to grow as a person, so take them, try and improve your speaking skills, help out and get involved because it’s the last time you get to be a part of all those amazing experiences. It’s a fun job that challenges you to be better every day.
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Somerset College Performing Arts Captains Handbook
P erforming A rts C aptains 2019
Ziggy Enoch
Bella Harris
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Somerset College Performing Arts Captains Handbook
G oal S etting 2019
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Somerset College Performing Arts Captains Handbook
S omerset C ollege P ersonal S uccess | G lobal O utlook Somerset College ABN 54 010 343 227 CRICOS Provider 00521G Address Somerset Drive, Mudgeeraba, Queensland 4213 Telephone 07 5559 7100 Facsimile 07 5559 7345 Email Website
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