2019 Pre-Prep Information Booklet
What To Bring
In your child’s Pre-Prep bag please pack: • Morning tea and lunch. We encourage children to have fruit or vegetables for morning tea, as well as another item if required (such as yoghurt, cheese, savoury items). Please pack these with an ice pack as lunch boxes will remain in your child’s bags until required, not refrigerated. We request that you avoid nuts and nut products, as well as lollies and chocolates when packing food from home. You will be able to find details on our Pre-Prep Nutrition Policy on Schoolbox or please ask staff for a copy of this. Please name all containers. • Your child’s Pre-Prep sheets (these will be provided), please send these on the first day of your child’s week, each week. Your child will bring these home on the last day of each week to be washed. • A small named drink bottle with water (no glass bottles). Treasures From Home While we don’t wish to dampen your child’s enthusiasm, please limit toys brought from home to those requested for a particular learning experience. Treasures can be lost and broken so we ask that you please leave these at home. Birthdays On this special occasion you might like to send along a simple iced cake, small cupcakes or ice blocks so that your child can share their birthday with friends. Parents are welcome to spend some time with us on that day. Please do not send lolly bags or extra treats. Our Programme Pre-Prep is the first year of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme (PYP). Our programme is planned to cater and adapt to each child’s interests and needs, and to foster the development of the learner profile, which will assist educational development. The Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guidelines Curriculum and Early Years Learning Framework also guide our Pre-Prep Curriculum providing a dedicated pathway linking with the Australian Curriculum. • A change of comfortable, named play clothes or spare uniform (including spare underwear). Your child is encouraged, however, to bring any type of specimen or object to enrich the programme. These might include books, rocks, shells or insects.
2019 Pre-Prep Parents’ Information Booklet
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