2019 Pre-Prep Information Booklet
Our programme supports children to: • Learn more about themselves, others and their surroundings • Further develop cooperation with others and be part of a larger group • Listen to and respond to directions, establish routines • Communicate ideas to other children and adults • Increase self confidence • Further develop independence, thinking and problem solving skills • Further develop physical co-ordination
• Broaden their understanding of the world around them
One Year Programme Pre-Prep is designed as a one year programme. Whilst in rare instances there may be a decision for a child to revisit and stay in Pre-Prep for a second year, this is a decision made after extensive discussions between families, the child’s teacher, Learning Enhancement and the Head of Junior School.
Parents In Our Classroom We recognise the critical role that parents play in the education of their child and so we welcome parents’ involvement in their child’s learning at Pre-Prep.
Parents can become involved by: • Visiting the classroom and joining in the programme
• Checking the College App or Schoolbox daily for any class communication
• Reading the weekly news sent from your child’s teacher on our class Schoolbox page
• Collecting materials to use in collage and carpentry
• Offering to share with the children any hobbies, interests, expertise or occupation skills you may have (for example: playing an instrument, pottery, cooking)
For more information, please refer to the Pre-Prep Family Participation and Communication Policy available on Schoolbox .
Sharing Information Events in family life can be a source of excitement or concern for young children and can markedly affect their behaviour. It is important for the home and school environments to share information about matters which may affect children and we would appreciate if parents inform teachers of any special or relevant events.
2019 Pre-Prep Parents’ Information Booklet
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