2019 Pre-Prep Information Booklet
Somerset College
Pre-Prep Information Booklet 2019
2019 Pre-Prep Parents’ Information Booklet
A Warm Welcome To All Parents and Children We are very excited to welcome you to Pre-Prep at Somerset College in 2019. We know that your association with the College will be a happy and beneficial one. We are delighted to have the opportunity to work with you, as we believe that education is a combined venture between children, parents, teachers and the community. We have three Pre-Prep classes – Yellow (5-day week), Red and Blue (5-day fortnight, as per calendar) – each staffed by a qualified Early Childhood teacher and teacher assistant, with an additional assistant floating between the two classes each day. Each teacher is responsible for the organisation, conduct and curriculum of the group within the class. The classes will work closely together, sharing many areas of Pre-Prep and working cohesively with all the teachers and teacher assistants. For all matters concerning your child, we ask that you please consult your child’s teacher. Website: www.somerset.qld.edu.au Early next year, you will be sent information as a new parent about our online environment, Schoolbox . Through this you will receive regular communication and be able to see information about your child’s class, the Junior School and the College. Individual login details will be sent to you at the time your child starts. Beginning of the Day Pre-Prep begins at 8.40am, with supervision in the room from 8.15am. Please park in the Early Years Precinct car park (the car park closest to the Pre-Prep area), and accompany your child to the Pre-Prep area. Children must be signed into the class by an adult over 18 years of age. End of the Day Pre-Prep concludes at 3.20pm and children are to be signed out by a parent, legal guardian or an authorised person. The College requires written authorisation for anyone to collect your Pre-Prep child. Siblings from the College are not able to collect children from Pre-Prep. You are able to collect your child from the classroom from 2.40pm if required. Contact Details for Somerset College Phone: 07 5559 7372 (Junior School Reception)
2019 Pre-Prep Parents’ Information Booklet
Uniform Pre-Prep uniform required to be worn daily:
• Hat – Consistent with the College’s sun safe policy, Pre-Prep uniform hats are to be worn by the children to and from school each day and outside at all times. Children may not be able to join in all activities without a hat.
• Pre-Prep shirt • Pre-Prep shorts • Somerset College socks • Sand shoes (velcro)
Pre-Prep Bucket Hat
Pre-Prep Winter Uniform
Pre-Prep Summer Uniform
2019 Pre-Prep Parents’ Information Booklet
What To Bring
In your child’s Pre-Prep bag please pack: • Morning tea and lunch. We encourage children to have fruit or vegetables for morning tea, as well as another item if required (such as yoghurt, cheese, savoury items). Please pack these with an ice pack as lunch boxes will remain in your child’s bags until required, not refrigerated. We request that you avoid nuts and nut products, as well as lollies and chocolates when packing food from home. You will be able to find details on our Pre-Prep Nutrition Policy on Schoolbox or please ask staff for a copy of this. Please name all containers. • Your child’s Pre-Prep sheets (these will be provided), please send these on the first day of your child’s week, each week. Your child will bring these home on the last day of each week to be washed. • A small named drink bottle with water (no glass bottles). Treasures From Home While we don’t wish to dampen your child’s enthusiasm, please limit toys brought from home to those requested for a particular learning experience. Treasures can be lost and broken so we ask that you please leave these at home. Birthdays On this special occasion you might like to send along a simple iced cake, small cupcakes or ice blocks so that your child can share their birthday with friends. Parents are welcome to spend some time with us on that day. Please do not send lolly bags or extra treats. Our Programme Pre-Prep is the first year of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme (PYP). Our programme is planned to cater and adapt to each child’s interests and needs, and to foster the development of the learner profile, which will assist educational development. The Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guidelines Curriculum and Early Years Learning Framework also guide our Pre-Prep Curriculum providing a dedicated pathway linking with the Australian Curriculum. • A change of comfortable, named play clothes or spare uniform (including spare underwear). Your child is encouraged, however, to bring any type of specimen or object to enrich the programme. These might include books, rocks, shells or insects.
2019 Pre-Prep Parents’ Information Booklet
Our programme supports children to: • Learn more about themselves, others and their surroundings • Further develop cooperation with others and be part of a larger group • Listen to and respond to directions, establish routines • Communicate ideas to other children and adults • Increase self confidence • Further develop independence, thinking and problem solving skills • Further develop physical co-ordination
• Broaden their understanding of the world around them
One Year Programme Pre-Prep is designed as a one year programme. Whilst in rare instances there may be a decision for a child to revisit and stay in Pre-Prep for a second year, this is a decision made after extensive discussions between families, the child’s teacher, Learning Enhancement and the Head of Junior School.
Parents In Our Classroom We recognise the critical role that parents play in the education of their child and so we welcome parents’ involvement in their child’s learning at Pre-Prep.
Parents can become involved by: • Visiting the classroom and joining in the programme
• Checking the College App or Schoolbox daily for any class communication
• Reading the weekly news sent from your child’s teacher on our class Schoolbox page
• Collecting materials to use in collage and carpentry
• Offering to share with the children any hobbies, interests, expertise or occupation skills you may have (for example: playing an instrument, pottery, cooking)
For more information, please refer to the Pre-Prep Family Participation and Communication Policy available on Schoolbox .
Sharing Information Events in family life can be a source of excitement or concern for young children and can markedly affect their behaviour. It is important for the home and school environments to share information about matters which may affect children and we would appreciate if parents inform teachers of any special or relevant events.
2019 Pre-Prep Parents’ Information Booklet
Health Policy We ask that children remain at home when unwell until they regain full health, as illness spreads quickly amongst young children. If your child becomes ill during the day, our College nurse will take appropriate action and you will be contacted. Please refer to the Pre-Prep Infectious Disease Outbreak Policy on Schoolbox . If medication is required by your child in Pre-Prep, this must be given to the College Nurse who will administer it at the appropriate time(s). Medication is not to be left in bags at any time. The College Nurse will complete the appropriate paperwork.
Once you join our online environment, you will be informed how to notify the College when your child is absent from Pre-Prep.
If your child suffers from asthma or allergies, we require a health care plan from your doctor. For further information, please refer to the Pre-Prep Asthma and Allergies Policies on Schoolbox . The expectation is that all children can use the toilet independently (fully toilet trained with no nappies during daytime). We recognise that some children may require minor assistance and have occasional accidents, and if this occurs staff will assist the child sensitively and parents will be informed.
Sunscreen Children are required to have sunscreen applied by parents before starting their day at Pre-Prep. Sunscreen is provided by the College and is available on top of the lockers.
Swimming It is anticipated that the Pre-Prep children will begin swimming lessons at the College during Term Four.
And Finally.... We welcome you! We welcome your interest and your visits. Please don’t hesitate to discuss any queries or worries that you may have regarding your child with your child’s teacher.
We look forward to 2019 at Somerset College Pre-Prep being a happy and worthwhile experience for both you and your child.
2019 Pre-Prep Parents’ Information Booklet
Somerset Drive, Mudgeeraba, Queensland 4213 Telephone 07 5559 7100 Facsimile 07 5559 7345 ACN 010 946 906
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