Year 10 IB Diploma Preparation Course Guide



Student Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Year and Tutor Group: ………………………………………………………………………………………..

2022 – IMPORTANT DATES TERM 3 Tuesday 12 July – Year 10 Information Night ROB Theatre: 6pm – 7pm

For all Year 9 students and parents interested in greater detail about the Pre-Diploma Programme at Year 10. Session conducted by Mrs Michele Sauer (Dean of Studies and International Baccalaureate Diploma Coordinator)

Tuesday 19 July – Year 10 Pathway and Course Selection Evening:

Compulsory ZOOM session for all students and parents. Session conducted by Mrs Michele Sauer (Dean of Studies and International Baccalaureate Diploma Coordinator) 6pm – 7pm

Wednesday 20 July – Year 10 Subject Fair Great Hall: 5pm – 6pm

All student and parents invited to attend the Year 10 Subject Fair.

Come along, talk to subject teachers, Assistant Heads of Department and Heads of Department to better understand all aspects of the MYP subjects and the IB Pre-Diploma Subjects. Teachers will be able to talk you through course content and, and the pathway for each subject into Year 11 and 12. Tuesday 26 July My Career Pathway Plan meetings , one on one interviews in the KIP, Year 9 students will be notified of individual meeting times via Schoolbox notice and email.

Web Preferences Open at 6pm for Year 10 2023. Thursday 28 July WEB Preferences Close at midnight for Year 10 2023


CONTENTS Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 3 Key Staff Contacts ........................................................................................................................ 4 College Philosophy........................................................................................................................ 5 QTAC – Entry into Australian Universities .................................................................................... 6 International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) ............................................................ 7 Why Year 10 IB Diploma Preparation Course and The Personal Project ................................... 8 Subject Selection for Year 10 ............................................................................................... 9 – 10 Curriculum Offings – IB Diploma Preparation Course ..................................................................11 Subject Articulation .................................................................................................................... 12 Year 10 IB Diploma Preparation Subjects – Prerequisite Table ............................................... 13 Career Connections ............................................................................................................. 14 -15 English A: Literature ......................................................................................................... 17 - 18 Language B: Italian ab initio .............................................................................................. 19 - 20 Language B: French .......................................................................................................... 21 - 22 Language B: German ........................................................................................................ 23 - 24 Language B: Japanese .................................................................................................... 25 - 26 Business Management ...................................................................................................... 27 - 28 Economics .......................................................................................................................... 29 - 30 Philosophy ........................................................................................................................ 31 - 32 Biology ............................................................................................................................... 33 - 34 Chemistry ........................................................................................................................... 35 - 36 Physics .............................................................................................................................. 37 - 38 Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches ............................................................................ 39 - 41 Music .................................................................................................................................. 42 - 44 Visual Arts ........................................................................................................................... 45 - 46 Introduction to TOK - Theory of Knowledge ........................................................................ 47 - 48 Case Method ...................................................................................................................... 49 Frequently Asked Questions ......................................................................................... 50 -51 Web Preferences Guide …………………………………………………………………………....... 52 Year 10 in 2023 IB Diploma Preparation Course Subject Outlines ......................................16 - 49



The Year 10 Subject Selection book is a resource for planning your Year 10 IB Diploma Preparation Course and the start of your senior education pathway.

It will provide you with information regarding this next phase of your secondary schooling, including subject selection, qualifications and tertiary entrance.

Contained in this guide are outlines of the IB Diploma Preparation subjects offered at Somerset College for students transitioning into Year 10 in 2023. Students will select 6 subjects which they will then continue as the undertake the International Baccalaureate Diploma in Year 11 and 12. Please note, as an introductory year for this new pathway, we are offering a smaller range of IB preparation subjects. Please note, for 2023, we require 25 students to undertake this pathway. All students will undertake the same subjects and these will be based on the needs of the group, determined during subject selections. The final decision on subjects offered is at the discretion of the College. Please use this guide to assist you in planning your pathway. To assist you, we have designed a rigorous process for parents and students in which to engage that supports informed decision making and choices.


KEY STAFF CONTACTS COLLEGE LEADERSHIP: Dean of Studies and International Baccalaureate Diploma Coordinator Mrs Michele Sauer

Deputy Headmaster

Mr Nicholas Brice

Head of Senior School

Mrs Allison Foster

For subject-specific information, contact: HEADS OF DEPARTMENT: English

Ms Naomi Lang


Mr Ash Abdou

Sciences Business and Humanities Mr Damien Coleman Design Mr Dallas O’Brien Foreign Languages Dr Scott Ham Performing Arts Mrs Sue Roberts Physical Education Mr Damien Healy Mrs Christine Wylie

LEARNING ENHANCEMENT AND STUDENT SUPPORT: Learning Enhancement Teacher Mrs Sharon Young



THE LEARNER PROFILE The Learner Profile is an integral part of an IB Education and is reflected in all three programmes, (Primary Years Programme - PYP, Middle Years Programme - MYP and Diploma). The profile is not intended as a profile of a perfect student, rather it is a guide for all students to use as they strive to become successful lifelong learners. The College encourages students to strive to be…

“To develop engaged global citizens aspiring to excellence, demonstrating integrity and valuing difference.” Leadership in rigorous education: We acknowledge that in order for students to reach their personal potential, both as leaders and learners, they need to be provided with the least restrictive environment possible. This means that students receive meaningful and equitable access to the curriculum, while upholding their interests, and removing barriers so they can find success. Inquiring, knowledgeable and caring citizens: To assist students to develop their real potential as citizens of the world, the College acknowledges the need to inspire and motivate students to learn. Inquiry will be promoted through the provision of a curriculum with the appropriate level of challenge, thereby ensuring that all students build on their knowledge so that they can become caring and active members of our communities. Intercultural understanding and respect: Nurturing intercultural understanding and respect among students occurs when educators understand and respect the needs of all learners. Being knowledgeable of the exclusive personal and educational needs of each student, the College recognizes and appreciates that not every individual can have the same educational experience. The diversity of the College learning community is viewed as a valued resource that can enrich learning, providing students and staff with opportunities to increase awareness and expand their thinking.

 inquirers  thinkers  communicators  risk-takers

Who are…

 knowledgeable  principled  open-minded  caring

 balanced  reflective

SENIOR PHASE OF LEARNING Our goal is for each student to have a meaningful pathway and to establish the foundations for a successful future. STRONG PERFORMANCE CULTURE

- IB Scores 2021 Combined Rank ATAR

Somerset (2021)







90+ 71% Average IB Score – 37/45 Combined Rank – ATAR 95.20 World average 32/45

IB students in 2021 also achieved 23 Merits – highest possible grade given in a subject.


QTAC – ENTRY INTO AUSTRALIAN UNIVERSITIES What is an ATAR? • The ATAR is a fine-grained rank order of students. • It is a number between 0.00 and 99.95 with increments on 0.05 • The ATAR is commonly used in other states and territories of Australia, for entry into university.

NOTE: The study of the subjects offered in the IB Diploma course at Somerset College cover all university prerequisites, including dentistry and medicine. As an example, for the University of Queensland and Griffith University: IB SCORE ATAR for 2022 Admission Example with University of QLD Adjustment Factors for IB Math HL (1) and Language (2) Example with Griffith UNIVERITY Adjustment Factors for IB Math (2) and Language (2)

The Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC) is responsible for calculating students’ ATARs. How are IB Diploma students considered for entry to tertiary courses in Australia? Results from the IB Diploma, which are reported on a whole number scale between 24 and 45, are converted into an ATAR-like value (known as a - Combined Rank ) to allow IB Diploma students to be considered for tertiary places in Australia. This conversion is consistent throughout all states and is updated each year. Note: Bond University and all international universities use the final IB Diploma score out of 45. All universities in Australia recognise the IB Diploma. Combined Rank eligibility: • In the IB at Somerset, Literature meets the English requirement for ATAR eligibility • Satisfactory completion will require students to attain a Grade of 4, that is equivalent to a Sound level of achievement in an English course Subject prerequisites Your IB subjects will meet subject prerequisites if these: • are comparable to the relevant QCAA subject • are studied at Higher Level (HL) or Standard Level (SL) • you achieve a minimum grade of 3 in the relevant HL subject or 4 in the relevant SL subject. Australian and leading international universities offer advance standing for students based on subjects. This equates to adjustment factors (Australian ATAR), and/or credits, and/or exemptions, from first year subjects, enabling students to progress to 2 nd year studies.

45 44 43 42 … 38 37 36

99.95 99.95 99.75 99.95 99.45 99.95 99.10 99.95 96.25 99.25 95.20 98.20 93.90 96.90

99.95 99.95 99.95 99.95 99.25 99.20

97.90 Note: Universities offer a wide range of adjustment factors, credits and exemptions for SL and HL Diploma subjects. These vary with each university, whether in Australia or overseas. For more information, visit the university websites. Credits and exemptions provide a considerable financial benefit to a student’s university HECS or similar. Note: Griffith university provides 2.00 adjustment factors for all IB Subjects offered at the college. A maximum of 8 adjustment factors can be applied to an ATAR at GU. Note: Adjustments are provided only if a student has achieved a 4 in HL and a 3 in SL subjects. preparation programme, we are currently working closely with our local universities to provide further access to university resources, lectures, and facilities, for our Year 10 IB Diploma preparation students. We aim to build these sessions into student’s fortnightly timetable (Tertiary Engagement) and they will form an important component of developing the mindset required to best engage with the IB Diploma. Further information regarding these sessions will be shared once they are finalised with our local university partners. IB Diploma - Tertiary partnerships Given the IB Diploma is a pre-university



Whilst a student does not have to be exceptionally academic to undertake the IB Diploma Programme with success, it will be necessary for students to have strong levels of literacy and numeracy given the demands and assessment requirements of the programme (see prerequisite table on page 13). Assessment in the IB Diploma Programme at Year 11 and 12: In all but two subjects (Visual Art and Music) all IB Diploma Programme students will sit for external exams at the end of Year 12 in November. Exams for ab initio Italian take place in May of Year 12 . In most of the IB Diploma Programme subjects, these exams are weighted (70% to 80% of two senior years’ work) and are sat for by students across the world. The exams are criterion referenced and are not scaled. Students wishing to enter the IB Diploma are encouraged to start in the Pre-Diploma Year 10 programme.

Somerset College is one of a select group of schools in Queensland to offer the IB Diploma Programme, yet there are over 71 IB Diploma schools in Australia, many of which are the leading academic schools in the country. In addition, Somerset is one of a handful of schools in Australia to offer all three IB programmes, from Primary Years Programme to Middle Years Programme to the Diploma Programme in senior school. Currently in the world, there are 7,500 IB programmes, offered worldwide across 5,500 schools in 160 different countries. In 2023, the College will offer, for the 24th year, the internationally benchmarked Senior Tertiary Entrance Qualification called the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme. This distinguished pathway provides an academically challenging pre-university matriculation course. Next year, students at Somerset in Year 10 may elect to study the IB Diploma Preparation Programme in preparation to undertake the IB Diploma Programme course completed over Years 11 and 12. The IB Diploma curriculum emphasises both breadth and depth of knowledge and provides a broad, liberal education suited to study an any tertiary institution. The Year 10 IB Diploma preparation pathway will immerse students in their pre-diploma subjects, preparing them for the rigour and skill set required to successfully complete their subjects and achieve the IB Diploma credential at the end of Year 12. Students undertaking this pathway will engage in a broad-based pattern of study. Students are required to choose a subject from Mathematics, Languages, English, Humanities, Sciences and the Arts. They also have the option study an additional science or humanities, instead of an arts course. While students will be introduced to the IB Core in their Year 10 preparation programme, when they commence their Year 11 and 12 IB Diploma studies, they will also undertake a subject called the Theory of Knowledge, complete a research Extended Essay over the two years, and make a formal commitment to undertaking a sport/activity, a cultural creative activity and aspects of community service. This component of the IB Diploma Programme is called "Creativity, Activity and Service" (CAS).


WHY YEAR 10 IB DIPLOMA COURSE? We recognise the IB Diploma requires a specific skill- set and way of thinking. Assessment is also structured and weighted differently in Year 11 and 12 to our state program, QCAA. As such we have developed a programme where students will be slowly introduced to the Diploma subject objectives, curriculum models and assessment structure, prior to moving into the IB Diploma in Year 11. 1. ensure all students are prepared to successfully undertake the IB Diploma curriculum at the commencement of their SL and HL subjects. 2. provide an introduction to curriculum models and structures (teaching and learning) that closely align with their selected IB Diploma subjects 3. to provide exposure to assessment structure and objectives that mirror those of the IB Diploma, creating a successful transition into Diploma assessment 4. to further enhance the skills and strategies that reflect the mind set required for this global curriculum 5. to provide students with opportunities to authentically engage with tertiary partners, to further enhance critical and creative thinking, reflection, communication, and collaboration skills required to engage in real world applications central to the IB Curriculum Students who wish to take on the Year 10 IB Diploma Preparation pathway will also need to be organised, motivated and have a very well developed work ethic. Please refer to the IB Diploma Information Booklet for more details. Information:  Mrs Michele Sauer is the College’s International Baccalaureate Diploma Coordinator. Through this program we aim to:

THE PERSONAL PROJECT The Personal Project holds a very important place in the programme. This is a significant body of work produced over an extended period. It is a product of the student’s own initiative and should reflect his/her experience of the MYP. The Personal Project requires students to apply their Approaches to Learning (ATL) skills, to consolidate prior and subject-specific learning, and to develop an area of personal interest. The Personal Project provides an excellent opportunity for students to produce a truly personal and often creative product/outcome and to demonstrate a consolidation of their learning in the MYP. The project offers many opportunities for differentiation of learning and expression according to students’ individual needs. The personal nature of the project is important; the project should revolve around a challenge that motivates and interests the individual student. Each student develops a Personal Project independently. To achieve their MYP certificate of completion, all Year 10 students, including the IB Diploma Preparation students must complete their Personal Project. Students will be formally introduced to the Personal Project in Term 4 of Year 9. At this point, students will be provided with access to the Personal Project website, outlining the requirements of this piece of work.

 More information is available on the International Baccalaureate website:


SUBJECT SELECTION FOR YEAR 10 It is important to choose your Year 10 subjects carefully as your decisions affect not only the type of career you can follow after leaving school, but also your success and feelings about school, as well as your transition into Years 11 and 12. Even though there are many factors to consider,

Investigate each subject fully. To do this, it will be necessary to:  read subject descriptions and course outlines in this booklet  talk to Heads of Departments and teachers of each subject  look at books and materials used in the subject  listen carefully at subject selection talks  talk to students who are already studying the subject. Make a decision on a combination of subjects that suits your requirements and abilities. Traps to avoid when selecting subjects:  Do not select subjects simply because someone has told you that they "help you get good results and give you a better chance of getting into university".  Try not to be influenced by suggestions that you should or should not choose a particular subject, because a friend/brother/sister either liked or disliked it when they studied it. Students aiming to maximise their chances of tertiary entrance are advised to follow these steps: 1. Select the prerequisite subjects you need for your preferred courses 2. Consider subjects in which you have both an interest and demonstrated ability

choosing your course of study can be made easier if you go about the task calmly and logically, and follow a set of planned steps. Overall Plan: As an overall plan, you are advised to choose subjects:  which you enjoy  in which you have demonstrated some ability or aptitude  which help you reach your course and career goals  which give you skills, knowledge and attitudes useful throughout your life. These are quite general points, so it is wise to look in more detail at the guidelines outlined below. Guidelines: Relate subjects to current career information. It is helpful if you have a few career choices in mind before choosing subjects. If you are uncertain about this at present, seek help in trying to choose a course that will keep several career options open to you. Our Dean of Studies, Mrs Crowley, may be able to help you get started by giving you some suggestions on how to investigate jobs and how to approach career decision–making. The following resources are available and give information on subjects and courses needed for careers:  QTAC website  By checking this information you will become aware of the distinction between: Prerequisite subjects (subjects which must be taken for future courses or careers) Recommended subjects (not essential, but which are likely to make future courses easier to follow)  Useful subjects (not essential, but give a general background or help develop particular skills).  


SUBJECT SELECTION FOR YEAR 10 – continued Be prepared to ask for help: After following these suggestions, you and your parents/guardians may still be confused or uncertain about the combination of subjects you have chosen. It is wise at this stage to check again with some of the many people available to talk to:  Teachers  Heads of Department  Dean of Studies  Dean of Middle Years  IB Diploma Coordinator  Deputy Headmaster Don't be afraid to seek their assistance. They are all prepared to help you. Year 9 has been intended as a year of investigation to introduce students to a wide range of subjects and new academic routines. In Year 10, students can begin to fine-tune their range of subjects to suit individual academic strengths and interests and begin their senior pathway transition. STUDENTS UNDERTAKING THE IB DIPLOMA PREPARATION PATHWAY WILL SELECT SUBJECTS FROM THE FOLLOWING GROUPS: SUBJECT GROUPS Students will make a choice of one subject from each group: Group 1: Literature (English) Group 2: Language Acquisition (German, Japanese, French, Italian ab initio) Group 3: Individuals and Societies: Economics, Business Management, Philosophy Group 4: Sciences: Biology, Chemistry, Physics Group 5: Mathematics Approaches and Analysis Group 6: Arts: Music or Visual Arts Note: Students can elect a second science or second Individuals and Societies subjects instead of an Arts.

Note: In Year 11 students will select 3 subjects to study at SL and 3 subjects to study at HL. IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING SUBJECT PREFERENCES Note: for the Year 10 2023 trial, we are looking for all students to undertake the same course. This will be determined by majority of student preferences. Once preferences are in, the options will be discussed with students and parents. YEARS 11 AND 12 As students’ progress into Year 11, they will elect to study 3 of their Diploma subjects at High Level (HL) and 3 and Standard Level (SL). This is where students further align their senior study to their strengths and interest, and certainly a unique aspect of this senior qualification.


CURRICULUM OFFERINGS – IB DIPLOMA PREPARATION COURSE Our three-year learning programme will have at its core, the International Baccalaureate Diploma. The Diploma Programme has a traditional time frame of two years. Year 10 is a IB Diploma Preparation year whereby essential skills are developed in preparation for the commencement of the Diploma Programme in Year 11. Students choose one from each Group unless otherwise stated:




GROUP 1 Studies in Language and Literature GROUP 2 Language B (Second or additional language) GROUP 3 Individuals and Societies

English A: Literature HL / SL

Introduction to Italian ab initio

Italian ab initio SL

French German Japanese Economics Philosophy

French SL German SL Japanese SL

Business Management

Business Management HL / SL

Economics HL / SL Philosophy HL / SL Biology HL / SL Chemistry HL / SL Physics HL / SL

GROUP 4 Sciences


Chemistry Physics

GROUP 5 Mathematics GROUP 6 The Arts

Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches

Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches HL / SL


Music HL / SL Visual Arts HL / SL

Visual Arts

Mandatory IB Components for Year 10

Introduction to Theory of Knowledge (TOK)

Theory of Knowledge (TOK) Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) Extended Essay (EE) Optional: University programs including – Student for a Semester Courses

Tertiary Engagement Year 10 Personal Project

Mandatory IB Components for Year 11 and 12


SUBJECT ARTICULATION FOR YEAR 10 IB DIPLOMA PREPARATION COURSE Year 9 MYP Subject Year 10 IB Diploma Preparation Course Articulate to following subjects in Years 11 and 12 International Baccalaureate Diploma Subject

Mathematics Essentials Mathematics Standard Mathematics Extended Language and Literature Individuals and Societies

IB Mathematics: Introduction to Analysis and Approaches

Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches SL/HL

IB English: Introduction to Literature

IB English A: Literature SL/HL

Introduction to IB Philosophy

IB Philosophy SL/HL

Global Thinking Studies in Commerce Introduction to IB Economics

IB Economics SL/HL

Business and Entrepreneurship

Introduction to IB Business Management Introduction to IB Biology Introduction to IB Physics Introduction to IB Chemistry Introduction to IB French Introduction to IB German Introduction to IB Japanese

IB Business Management SL/HL


IB Biology SL/HL IB Physics SL/HL IB Chemistry SL/HL

French German Japanese

IB French SL IB German SL IB Japanese SL


Introduction to IB Italian ab initio

IB Italian ab initio SL

Performing Arts - Music


IB Music SL/HL

Visual Arts

Visual Arts

IB Visual Arts SL/HL

Personal Project

Personal Project Introduction to TOK

Theory of Knowledge (TOK)



When making choices for Year 10, we encourage you to apply the prerequisite criteria below. These readiness criteria are aligned to the prerequisites needed for success in Years 11 and 12 and should be used to plan your pathway forward. The readiness criteria are designed to support students and parents to use evidence of their learning when making decisions about Year 10 subjects. Students will have opportunity in Semester 1 of Year 10 to demonstrate they can achieve the Year 11 and 12 subject prerequisites. YEAR 10 SUBJECT READINESS CRITERIA – applied when selecting a subject to study at the commencement of Year 10 Mathematics Approaches and Analysis Completion of Year 9 Mathematics Standard or Extended to a Grade of 5 with a minimum of Criteria 5/8 for Criterion A. Literature Prep Course Completion of Year 9 Language and Literature – Grade of 5 French Completion of Year 9 French to a Grade of 4 German Completion of Year 9 German to a Grade of 4 Japanese Completion of Year 9 Japanese to a Grade of 4 Italian ab initio No previous study of Italian Business Management Completion of Language and Literature and Math to a Grade of 4 Economics Completion of Year 9 Mathematics to Grade 5 Biology Completion of Year 9 Sciences to a Grade of 5 Chemistry Completion of Year 9 Sciences and Mathematics to a Grade 5 Physics Completion of Year 9 Sciences and Mathematics to a Grade 5 Performing Arts - Music Completion of Year 9 Music or studies in instrumental/vocal music/ or in consultation with HOD Visual Arts Previous study of Visual Arts Philosophy Completion of Year 9 Individuals and Societies and Language and Literature to a Grade 5


CAREER CONNECTIONS TO QCE AND IB DIPLOMA SUBJECTS The lists provided here are suggestions only. An interest in a particular subject may indicate an interest in careers related to that subject. Although related to the careers, the subjects are not necessarily prerequisites for those careers. Subject entry requirements should be investigated for careers which may be of interest to you.

ENGLISH Actor Archivist Author Court reporter Diplomat Editor



Anthropologist Archaeologist Archivist Criminologist

Accountant Actuary Architect

Bank officer Bookkeeper Computer operator Credit manager Economist Electrician Engineer Fitter and turner Geologist Industrial chemist Mathematician Pattern maker Primary teacher Quantity surveyor Rental officer Statistician Surveyor Tax assessor GEOGRAPHY

Diplomat Historian Judge Lawyer Librarian Minister of religion Museum curator Palaeontologist Patent attorney Playwright Reporter Secondary teacher Sociologist Solicitor Stage designer Theologian Accountant Actuary Agricultural economist Bank officer Business executive Ecologist Economist Home economist Hospital administrator ECONOMICS/ BUSINESS Importer / exporter Insurance assessor Investment analyst Journalist Market research officer Quantity surveyor Regional and town planner Retail manager Sharebroker Statistician Structural engineer Audiologist Biochemist Dentist Ecologist Electrical engineer Electrician Human movement instructor Hydrologist PHYSICS Agricultural engineer Architect

Interpreter Journalist Lawyer

Librarian Manager Personnel manager Playwright Printing tradesperson Publisher Radio and television announcer Receptionist Speech therapist Telephonist Travel consultant


Anthropologist Archaeologist Diplomat Editor Employment officer Flight attendant

Aerial photographer Biologist Cartographer Economist Environmental scientist Forest ranger Geographer Geologist Hydrographer Hydrologist Landscape architect Meteorologist Mining engineer Oceanographer Park and wildlife ranger Regional and town planner Rural technician Seismic observer Solar and water conservationist Surveyor Agronomist Animal care technician Bacteriologist Biologist Botanist Ecologist Environment control officer Forest ranger Oceanographer Pharmacologist Radiographer Rural technician Soil and Water conservationist Stock and station agent Taxidermist Veterinary scientist Zoologist General practitioner Horticultural scientist Microbiologist BIOLOGY

Interpreter Journalist Language teacher Patent examiner Playwright Probation and parole officer Publisher Radio and television announcer Radio officer (marine) Ships steward Social welfare worker Agricultural scientist Analytical chemist Bacteriologist Botanist Chemical engineer Chemical laboratory technician Dentist Dietician Doctor Environmental scientist Sociologist Translator Travel consultant CHEMISTRY

Forensic scientist Health Surveyor Industrial chemist Industrial metallurgist Marine scientist Microbiologist

Marine engineer Marine surveyor

Mineralogist Optometrist Pathologist Physicist Plant engineer Radio technical officer Secondary teacher Sound engineer

Mineralogist Pathologist Pharmacist Sugar chemist


CAREER CONNECTIONS TO QCE AND IB DIPLOMA SUBJECTS COMMERCE / BUSINESS ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY THE ARTS / VISUAL ART Accountant Actuary Articled clerk Auctioneer Auditor Bank officer Business executive Architect Automotive electrician Builder Computer technician Draftsperson Engineer Fitter Architectural draftsperson Art teacher Cartoonist Commercial artist Coppersmith Display assistant Dress designer Early childhood teacher

Chartered accountant Chartered secretary Clerk of works Commercial teacher Company secretary Court reporter Economist Insurance clerk Management consultant Pay officer Real estate agent Receptionist Tax consultant Teacher aide

Industrial designer Industrial technician Instrument maker Land surveyor Landscape designer Mechanic Mechanical engineer Metalworker Patternmaker Product Designer Quantity surveyor Radio / TV technician

Engraver Fine artist Glass–blower

Gold and silversmith Handcraft instructor Illustrator Landscape architect Landscape gardener

Photographer Potter (craft) Textile designer Weaver




Actor Choreographer Dancer

Actor Choreographer Dancer

Ambulance officer Chiropractor City Council lifeguard

Disc jockey Governess Human movement instructor Music teacher Music teacher Musician Performing artist Playwright Preschool teacher Producer/director (Performing Arts) Record librarian Recreation officer Scriptwriter Singer Special education teacher Stage manager Teacher aide

Disc jockey Governess Human movement instructor Music teacher Music teacher Musician Performing artist Playwright Preschool teacher Producer/director (Performing Arts) Record librarian Recreation officer Scriptwriter Singer Special education teacher Stage manager Teacher aide

Enrolled nurse Health surveyor Masseur – Sports / Remedial Occupational therapist

Physical education teacher – primary Physical education teacher – secondary Physiotherapist Podiatrist Professional sportsperson Radiographer Recreation Officer Residential care worker Sports Administration Sports coach Sports Management and Marketing Sports Medicine Doctor Stunt performer Swimming pool attendant

DIGITAL DESIGN Cyber Security Analyst Computer Programmer Database Administrator Data Scientist Engineer Game Developer

GLOBAL POLITICS Actuary Advertising executive Agricultural economist Architect Business executive Criminologist Diplomat Economist Environmental scientist General practitioner Human rights lawyer Humanitarian International Aid worker Interpreter Judge Lawyer/Solicitor Management consultant Playwright Politician Reporter/journalist Town Planner Web Developer


Advice worker Careers adviser Clinical psychologist Counselling psychologist Counsellor Detective Educational psychologist Forensic psychologist Further education teacher Health psychologist

Machine Learning Engineer Mobile Application Developer Software and Application Developer Systems Administrator Web Developer

High intensity therapist Human resources officer Life coach Market researcher Occupational psychologist Play therapist Psychological wellbeing practitioner Psychotherapist Sport and exercise psychologist





Year 10 IB Diploma Preparation Course

SUBJECT OUTLINE Students will focus exclusively on literary texts, adopting a variety of approaches to textual criticism. Students explore the nature of literature, the aesthetic function of literary language and textuality, and the relationship between literature and the world. The course explores elements of language, literature and performance and focuses on: • the relationships between readers, writers and texts • the range and functions of texts across geographical PATHWAYS Year 10 IB Literature prepares students for all the QCE English courses offered at the College in Year 11 and Year 12, as well as the English course offered in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. • As part of the IB Diploma Programme: - Language A: Literature • As part of the Queensland Certificate of Education: - English - Literature space and historical time • aspects of intertextuality.

AIMS FOR PRE-IB DIPLOMA ENGLISH A: LITERATURE The aims of the teaching of IB Literature are to encourage and enable students to: use language as a vehicle for thought, creativity, reflection, learning, self expression, analysis and social interaction  develop the skills involved in listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing and presenting in a variety of contexts  develop critical, creative and personal approaches to studying and analysing literary and non-literary texts engage with text from different historical periods and a variety of cultures  explore and analyse aspects of personal, host and other cultures through literary and non-literary texts  explore language through a variety of media and modes  develop a lifelong interest in reading  apply linguistic and literary concepts and skills in a variety of authentic contexts.  

Please click to watch subject video


STRUCTURE Semester 1

Semester 2

Unit 1: Introduction to Close Reading – Diverse Texts on Diversity

Unit 3: Time and Space – A journey in verse

In this unit students will engage with a close study of poetry, starting with the sonnets of Shakespeare, dipping into Romantic poetry, entering the 20 th century with Polish poet Wisława Szymborska, then concluding with poet/rapper Kendrick Lamar.

In this unit students read and analyse a number of Indigenous non-fiction texts as well as the graphic novel La Guardia by Nnedi Okorafor

Unit 2: Readers, Writers and Texts - Dystopian Lit I

Unit 4: Intertextuality – Dystopian Lit II

In this unit students will engage with the novel Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

In this unit students will engage with the play After the Blast by Zoe Kazan and the short stories of J.G. Ballard


In Year 10 IB Literature students complete four summative assessments and a variety of formative tasks. Summative assessments Semester 1 Criteria Assessed Semester 2 Criteria Assesse d Written Response for a Public Audience Paper 1 style Individual Oral IO style Semester 1 Examination: Guided Literary Analysis Paper 1 style Semester 2 Examination: Analytical Essay Paper 2 style



Year 10 IB Diploma Preparation Course

SUBJECT OUTLINE In Year 10, the study of a language is

AIMS FOR LANGUAGE ab initio: ITALIAN The aims of the teaching of Language B: Italian ab initio are to: • Develop international mindedness through the study of languages, cultures, and ideas and issues of global significance • Enable students to communicate in the language they have studied in a range of contexts and for a variety of purposes • Encourage, through the study of texts and through social interaction, an awareness and appreciation of a variety of perspectives of people from diverse cultures • Develop students’ understanding of the relationship between the languages and cultures with which they are familiar • Develop students’ awareness of the importance of language in relation to other areas of knowledge • Provide students, through language learning and the process of inquiry, with opportunities for intellectual engagement and the development of critical and creative thinking skills • Provide students with a basis for further study, work and leisure through the use of an additional language Foster curiosity, creativity and a lifelong enjoyment of language learning

compulsory. In the IB Diploma Preparation course, students who have studied French, Japanese or German up to Year 9 of the MYP course will be given the opportunity to study Italian ab initio for the IB Diploma Preparation course. The introduction to Italian ab initio course is designed for students with no prior experience in the language. The course aims to develop students’ ability to communicate in Italian through the study of language, themes and texts. In doing so, they also develop conceptual understandings of how languages work. A major objective of the course is to develop intercultural mindedness. The Italian course will encourage positive attitudes towards, and involvement with, people in Italy and various Italian-speaking communities. Students will acquire language-learning strategies to help them to cope with unfamiliar language. Other objectives of the course are to develop in students a sense of their responsibility as global citizens and to foster a lifelong interest in language learning. PATHWAYS Studying ab initio Italian in the IB Diploma Preparation course prepares students to undertake ab initio Italian in the IB Diploma Programme. Please note that students who have studied Language Acquisition: Italian in the MYP will not be able to choose to study the IB Diploma Preparation ab initio Italian course, as it is designed for students with no prior experience with the language.

Please click to watch subject video


STRUCTURE The Language ab initio syllabus is organised into five prescribed themes: identities, experiences, human ingenuity, social organisation and sharing the planet. The language ab initio syllabus prescribes four topics for each of the five prescribed themes for a total of 20 topics that must be addressed in the language ab initio course. The topics covered include: Theme Topics Identities • Personal Attributes • Personal Relationships • Eating and Drinking • Physical Wellbeing Experiences • Daily Routine • Leisure • Holidays • Festivals and Celebrations Human Ingenuity • Transport • Entertainment • Media • Technology Social Organisation • Neighbourhood • Education • The Workplace • Social Issues Sharing the Planet • Climate • Physical Geography • The Environment • Global Issues ASSESSMENT In Year 10 Italian ab initio, students complete eight summative assessments per semester (two in each macroskill of Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing). Summative assessments Term 1 Criterion Assessed Term 2 Criterion Assessed Listening Test Listening Listening Test Listening Reading Test Reading Reading Test Reading Speaking Test Speaking Speaking Test Speaking Writing Test Writing Writing Test Writing

Criterion Assessed

Criterion Assessed

Term 3

Term 4

Listening Test


Listening Test


Reading Test


Reading Test


Speaking Test


Speaking Test


Writing Test


Writing Test




Year 10 IB Diploma Preparation Course

SUBJECT OUTLINE In Year 10, the study of a language is compulsory. In the IB Diploma Preparation course, students who have studied French up to Year 9 of the MYP course and have achieved a grade of 6 or 7 in Phase 3 will be given the opportunity to study French for the IB Diploma Preparation course. The IB Diploma Preparation Language B: French course aims to further develop students’ ability to communicate in French through the study of language, themes and texts. In doing so, they also develop conceptual understandings of how languages work. A major objective of the course is to develop intercultural mindedness. The French course will encourage positive attitudes towards, and involvement with, people in France and various French-speaking communities. PATHWAYS Studying Language B: French in the IB Diploma Preparation course prepares students to undertake Language B: French in the IB Diploma Programme. Students will also be able to undertake the QCCA Senior French course, should they choose not to continue with the IB Diploma in Years 11 and 12.

AIMS FOR LANGUAGE B: FRENCH The aims of the teaching of Language B: French are to:  Develop international mindedness through the study of languages, cultures, and ideas and issues of global significance  Enable students to communicate in the language they have studied in a range of contexts and for a variety of purposes  Encourage, through the study of texts and through social interaction, an awareness and appreciation of a variety of perspectives of people from diverse cultures  Develop students’ understanding of the relationship between the languages and cultures with which they are familiar  Develop students’ awareness of the importance of language in relation to other areas of knowledge  Provide students, through language learning and the process of inquiry, with opportunities for intellectual engagement and the development of critical and creative thinking skills  Provide students with a basis for further study, work and leisure through the use of an additional language Foster curiosity, creativity and a lifelong enjoyment of language learning

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STRUCTURE The Language B syllabus is organised into five prescribed themes: identities, experiences, human ingenuity, social organisation and sharing the planet.

Semester 1

Semester 2

Unit 3

Unit 1

 Identities – Personality and Interacting with Others

 Identities – Health and Wellbeing: Nutrition

Unit 2

Unit 4

 Sharing the Planet – Recycling

 Experiences - Leisure: Holidays and Travel Plans

ASSESSMENT In Year 10 IB Diploma Preparation Language B: French course, students complete four summative assessments per semester. Summative assessments Semester 1 Criterion Assessed Semester 2 Criterion Assessed Listening Test Listening Listening Test Listening Reading Examination Reading Reading Examination Reading Speaking Test Speaking Speaking Test Speaking Writing Examination Writing Writing Examination Writing


Year 10 IB Diploma Preparation Course


SUBJECT OUTLINE In Year 10, the study of a language is compulsory. In the IB Diploma Preparation course, students who have studied German up to Year 9 of the MYP course and have achieved a grade of 6 or 7 in Phase 3 will be given the opportunity to study German for the IB Diploma Preparation course. The IB Diploma Preparation Language B: German course aims to further develop students’ ability to communicate in German through the study of language, themes and texts. In doing so, they also develop conceptual understandings of how languages work. A major objective of the course is to develop intercultural mindedness. The German course will encourage positive attitudes towards, and involvement with, people in Germany and various German-speaking communities. PATHWAYS Studying Language B: German in the IB Diploma Preparation course prepares students to undertake Language B: German in the IB Diploma Programme. Students will also be able to undertake the QCCA Senior German course, should they choose not to continue with the IB Diploma in Years 11 and 12.

AIMS LANGUAGE B: GERMAN The aims of the teaching of Language B: German are to:

 Develop international mindedness through the study of languages, cultures, and ideas and issues of global significance  Enable students to communicate in the language they have studied in a range of contexts and for a variety of purposes  Encourage, through the study of texts and through social interaction, an awareness and appreciation of a variety of perspectives of people from diverse cultures  Develop students’ understanding of the relationship between the languages and cultures with which they are familiar  Develop students’ awareness of the importance of language in relation to other areas of knowledge  Provide students, through language learning and the process of inquiry, with opportunities for intellectual engagement and the development of critical and creative thinking skills  Provide students with a basis for further study, work and leisure through the use of an additional language  Foster curiosity, creativity and a lifelong enjoyment of language learning

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STRUCTURE The Language B syllabus is organised into five prescribed themes: identities, experiences, human ingenuity, social organisation and sharing the planet.

Semester 1

Semester 2

Unit 3

Unit 1

 Sharing the Planet - Recycling

 Experiences – Appreciating Germany’s Ways

Unit 2

Unit 4

 Sharing the Planet – Renewable Energy Sources

 Identities – Beliefs and Values; Language and Identity

ASSESSMENT In Year 10 IB Diploma Preparation Language B: German course, students complete four summative assessments per semester. Summative assessments Semester 1 Criterion Assessed Semester 2 Criterion Assessed Listening Test Listening Listening Test Listening Reading Examination Reading Reading Examination Reading Speaking Test Speaking Speaking Test Speaking Writing Examination Writing Writing Examination Writing


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