The Wordsmiths Book 2021

Is all there is / can be / should be..... How long? Months, perhaps years you say? New patterns of living..... This time, These Covid times, Like no other..... And yet, The world breathes, Vistas are cleared, Planes are flown to deserts, Dry - housed, Towed and stored, Parked for better times..... Or will they be? Strangely, There are no signs of ‘this’ war,

‘this enemy’, on our streets, No rubble, No desolate countryside, No air raid sirens, No scrambling to bunkers..... No outward signs..... This crafty foe,

Has us all grasping at straws, Shadow boxing with a ghost, Trifling with us, Bringing us up short..... All too short! Nor so cocky anymore, Are we? The world marches on, The “rough beast, slouching towards Bethlehem.....”* What denouement awaits us? *From WB Yeats “Second Coming”

Dr. Michael Brohier


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