The Wordsmiths Book 2021


Lost - Alone, beyond reach Looming sentinels standing guard Thousands of eyes watch

Terror – The light of sun felled by night’s domain When all must succumb to Hypnos’s reign Alone, one must face the depths of their soul Consigned to their fate in their own tortured role As monsters and memories long forsaken, now awake A personal hell of their own guilt make The past, the present and the future blur When reality and delusion simultaneously occur The unending torment of hopes and dreams Fuse with the anguish of the innocence’s requiems Again, and again one is shown That for which they vow to atone Once again one is pushed to teetering edge of sanity’s brink Only for the crushing awareness to sink That the night has only just begun And it is nowhere near done

Angus Cheung


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