The Missing Pages of Time
Write a Book in a Day
STATE: DIVISION: ....………………………………………………………………………………………… SCHOOL/GROUP: ....………………………………………………………………………………………… TEAM NAME: ....………………………………………………………………………………………… TEAM ID: ....………………………………………………………………………………………… QLD Middle School Somerset College (MUDGEERABA) The Idiots That Can't Write 431 ....…………………………………………………………………………………………
Random words ………..................................................... ………..................................................... ………..................................................... ………..................................................... ………..................................................... Whistle Light Gold Hungry Bubbly
Primary character 1 ………............................................ Primary character 2 ………............................................ Non-human character ………............................................ Setting ………............................................ Issue ………............................................ Librarian Chauffeur Witch Space station Helping your neighbour
• Start at 8am • Write an original story: - based on all five parameters (above) - including all five random words (above), and in bold type
- with some identifiable Australian content (in theme or setting or characters, etc) - keeping within the allowed word count (remember every word on every page counts)! - include this parameters form in your book immediately after the front cover • Remember: Every word on every page counts. This includes your front cover, back cover, blurb, acknowledgements and copyright form. • Be sure to give yourself enough time to submit your book and complete the following checklist EHIRUH SP . Log on to the Team Coordinator Portal to: ☐ Check the spelling of your team name and team members’ names (how these are spelt on submission will be how they are displayed on certificates) ☐ Complete the Declaration ☐ Submit your finished book in both PDF and plain text IRUPDW E\ SP
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Copyright Published by The Idiot¶s That Can¶t Write, Somerset College, Mudgeeraba Gold Coast, Lilliana Swainson, Mitchell Wuth, Nicola Swainson, Lael Jeon, Ruby Lee, Sienna Johnston, Jessica Jeffriess , Bella Beer, Mia Richards and Ava Henson.
Copyright © 2020, Somerset College.
All rights reserved. This book is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission. Enquires should be made to the publisher.
Chapter 1
Miss Bubbly sat down at her desk the same way she always did on a Tuesday morning. Miss Bubbly was by all accounts an average lady with blonde hair and rounded spectacles, her height boosted by the thick, tall heels she was wearing. Everyone said she was a very friendly and nice person, not a typical grumpy librarian; she loved her job. She had just opened up the Australian National Library in Canberra for the day, and it looked like it would be another normal day. Her computer always took a while to turn on, but today she thought it was especially slow. She gave the computer a firm slap, to which it responded by emitting a nasty-sounding scraping and whirring noise. She spent so long engrossed in trying to make her computer work that she failed to notice that there was a student
standing in front of the desk, patiently waiting for her. ³Oh! Sorry! How may I help you, young man?´ she asked.
³No problem!´ the boy said. He looked smart in his school uniform; his cultured appearance only challenged by his fuzzy, unkempt, golden-brown hair. On his Barton College jumper was a name tag which listed his name as Mitch. ³I was just looking for something.´
Miss Bubbly straightened herself on her chair. ³And what would that be?´ ³I was looking for a history book, on the French Revolution´ he continued.
³I can help you with that!´ said the librarian, kicking her chair away and gesturing for Mitch to follow. She led him through what seemed to be miles of bookshelves, going ever deeper into the labyrinth. After what seemed like an age they arrived at a very dusty looking section of the library, with a sign reading µHistorical Texts¶ hanging above them. ³Here we are, I'll have a look for what you want´ she puffed, tired from the small marathon she just walked with her little legs. She grabbed a very tall ladder which stretched all the way up the side of the bookshelf. Mounting it, she climbed carefully up the ladder, stopping at each shelf to look at the titles along the way. Eventually, close to the top, she found a book on the French Revolution. It was precariously and haphazardly balanced in between several other dusty books. She leaned out to grab the French Revolution book when suddenly, the books gave way. Miss Bubbly only just managed to pull herself out of the way when the whole shelf came crashing down in a cloud of dust, narrowly missing Mitch on the way down. She hurried down the ladder and coughed on the mountains of dust that was settling all around her. ³Are you all right?!´ she quickly asked Mitch, who could only answer in a series of nods, owing to the shock he got.
Miss Bubbly looked on the ground and almost shrieked at what she saw: one of the books had been damaged on the way down and was missing some of its pages. As a librarian, it¶s understandable why she was upset at the sight; she treated the books like her children. She picked the book up and looked at the cover; it was titled µ The Missing
Pages of Time’, by...? She read the author again, it couldn¶t be right! But it was. The author really was called ³The Idiots that Can¶t Write´. ³Isn¶t this weird?´ she exclaimed to Mitch, pointing to the author. ³What¶s inside, do you think?´ he asked. As she opened the cover, a bright gold light filled the room, and a noise akin to a whistle emanated from the book. The book started to float out of Miss Bubbly ¶s hands! With mouths agog, a portal streamed out of the book right in front of them, sucking them straight into it and away from the Library.
Chapter 2
The bright light that filled the room blinded them, as a strange floating sensation overtook their senses. As the light started to fade, they could make out their surroundings; it appeared to be the back of a limousine. At the front, a small hatch slid open, revealing a man peering back at them.
³G¶day fellas,´ the man said.
"I uh... good morning...?´ Miss Bubbly replied.
She looked out the window as Mitch sat upright in his seat, eyes wide open with surprise and astonishment. As she looked out the window, she understood why Mitch looked as if he had seen a ghost. They were floating above what looked like the Earth, a pure black expanse being all they could see.
³How are you going?´ the man asked again.
Snapping back into reality, Miss Bubbly and Mitch realised that the man was real, and they should probably respond.
³Who are you?´ Mitch asked, lifting an eyebrow.
³I, Hans, am your chauffeur!´ the man boomed.
The two perplexed passengers glanced at each other, with a confused look. ³Where on Earth are we?´, Miss Bubbly asked.
³I believe you mean, µwhere on Earth 2 are you?¶´ Hans replied. ³You are in a parallel universe, a copy of your own, different only in that this world is in eternal darkness, be cause we haven¶t got a sun like you do.´ ³But isn¶t that the sun over there?´ Mitch questioned, pointing to the sun shining out the window. ³There is an evil witch named Amethyst, who controls our world. She stole the sun in the year 2020, the year you a re from, using the book that you have in your hands!´ Hans gleefully said.
³It has 6 pages missing though...´ the librarian said glumly.
³No matter!´ said Hans, looking like he was about to give a pre -prepared speech. ³Those 6 pages were scattered throug hout history on Earth 2, thousands of years
apart. This is no problem though, as this is no ordinary limousine. This limousine is a time- travelling space station!!´ Hans continued after his passengers¶ amazement had died down, ³We are currently in the yea r 1332 BCE. The first page is located in Egypt, where we will now teleport!´ At the flick of a switch, the limousine was on the sandy dunes of ancient Egypt. ³Well, all ya need to do, is find 6 missing pages in this peculiar book,´ He explained, throwing the book into my lap without looking up from the windshield. ³Anyhow, you fellas need to consider this quickly, cause we are already here! Ancient Egypt, 1332 BCE .´ And with another blinding light , they were standing in the middle of a desert, people dressed in skirts, shawls, pushing past us. They let out a synchronised sigh. People shouted at them in some foreign language as people walked around them. The area was surrounded with street markets and filled with people with beautiful makeup, and a few pyramids in sight. ³A page... where would you find a page...?´ Miss Bubbly muttered to herself. They slowly followed the crowd of people, leading us into a world of the unknown. The first thing they noticed was the massive pyramid in the end of the street. It dominated the local skyline. As they arrived at the large entrance, astounded by the size of the pyramid. ³How do we get in??´ Mitch asked, before being promptly interru pted by a sudden shift of the entrance with a loud boom, as dust and dirt flooded the area. As the entrance closed behind them, they were overwhelmed with the golden emission of the reflection of gold trinkets throughout the chamber. ³Well... it¶ll be in here somewhere.´ Hans stated confidently, gesturing to the dozen or so chests in the chamber. Half an hour of searching later, Miss Bubbly shouted ³Eureka!´ as she held up the page in triumph. Her euphoria quickly vanished, however, as the contents of the page were strewn with innumerable spelling and grammar mistakes. As a librarian, it was painful reading. ³Oh, these idiots really can¶t write,´ she said through a scrunched -up face. Having found the page, she called Mitch and Hans over, at which point the doors to the chamber opened again. ³Wha - ´ Mitch exclaimed. ³Let¶s head to the pyramid,´ Hans said.
³Let¶s go! Back to the car! We need it to travel to the next moment in time!´ Hans told Mitch and miss Bubbly .
They ran back to the car and got in it. Hans turned the key in the ignition, and the car filled with the strange gold light again. The portal opened, and they were once again sucked in.
Chapter 3
Kapow! ³e la folla applaudu´. They were seriously in Italy! Specifically, the colosseum. As the trio sat up in their seats and glanced around the enormous stadium, they suddenly saw the page fly across the colosseum like a rocket ship hurtling through space. Mitch made a run for the page, sprinting down the grandstand stairs and over the front barrier into the arena. As Miss Bubbly and Hans ran after him, a woman grabbed Miss Bubbly and yelled ³Cosa sta facendo quel ragazzo! Si farà male!´ The woman looked at her in confusion as she bolted down the stairs and over the wall into the arena, followed by Hans. The whole stadium had become 50 times louder, the spectators were not pleased with this intrusion upon their games, pelting rubbish and chanting ³donna, muoviti!´ She had only just grabbed the page when two soldiers ran at them as she sprinted across the arena, dodging their spears and weaving through confused gladiators. The soldiers managed to separate Miss Bubbly from Hans and Mitch by a well-aimed spear toss. The Roman crowd were all booing and jeering, holding their thumbs down as a sign of displeasure. While running, Miss Bubbly shouted to Mitch and Hans ³We have to get out of here!´ She suddenly ran at the two soldiers and with a bout of skill she didn¶t know she had, rolled in between them with inches to spare. Reunited, the trio now made a break for the only exit to the arena, a barricade with an iron portcullis. They sprinted through the arena and jumped over the short barricade, leaving the pursuing soldiers in a cloud of dust. From the arena behind them, they heard the commentator cry out ³rilascia i leoni!´. A heavy door opened beside them, and out of it walked a massive lion. No words were necessary: the trio were already running in the other direction, looking for an exit. They ran around what seemed like the entire stadium, before they came to the exit door: it was blocked. They heard the lion roar behind them. What were they going to do? Suddenly, the exit gate started to open! Somebody was cranking it open from the other side! Not caring who was doing it, they scrambled under the door before it crashed down behind them. Beside them was a hunched-over old lady dressed in Quite stunned and not thinking, she replied with ³g¶day, can you let me go?´.
an all black hooded cloak. The trio said ³thank you!´ simultaneously before they ran off to find the car. Running for three Roman blocks, they found the car and got into it.
Before they entered the portal again, Miss Bubbly could have sworn someone said ³by this candle I do sleep, hidden from the day, in the night so deep. O lady moon, guide my dreams, come over me with your beautiful beams. As the candle flame die, please close my eyes.´ Thunder from an approaching storm cracked above them as the car entered the portal once more.
E la folla applaudì (and the crowd cheered); Cosa sta facendo quel ragazzo! Si farà male! (What is that boy doing! He will get hurt!) ;
Donna, muoviti (Woman, move); Rilascia i leoni (Release the lions)
Chapter 4
³ - allow me to wake in the warmth of the sun´ - the voice concluded. As it finished, they slowly opened their eyes to the bright sunlight streaming into the car. They took a while to get their eyes adjusted and to start their next journey to find the page. As they got out of the car, there was nobody around. Whoever had spoken was gone.
³I wonder where we are now?´ said Mitch, hoping that Miss Bubbly would know.
³I¶m not sure where we are, there's a building over there, let's go ask´, replied Hans.
They hesitantly walked into a castle like building, in the centre of a sizeable town.
³With the way that these buildings look, and the people are dressed, it seems that we are very far back in time. Maybe somewhere between 1500 ± 1700.´ Miss Bubbly stated. As they walked into the Castle, they saw amazing high arched ceilings, bookshelves reaching the roof with books piling up, there was red, leather furniture and huge chandeliers hanging from the roof. As they walked in a lady with a long, wide dress walked over. With a strong English accent, she asked; ³Good morning, how may I help you on this fine day?´
Quite startled by her strong accent, Miss Bubbly responded:
³We would just like to know where we are and what the date is today.´
The Lady was stunned with Miss Bubbly ¶s informal manner, but she continued so as to not seem impolite.
³We are located in Lincolnshire, England, and the date is the 17th of November 1687´
³Thank you´ replied Miss Bubbly .
Mitch walked out extremely confused, but Miss Bubbly had a sense of excitement.
³Why are you so excited?´ asked Mitch.
³The date today is the 17th of November 1687 and we are in Lincolnshire!´ Miss Bubbly exclaimed.
³Yeah, I know, she just told us that...´ said Mitch sarcastically.
³Today is the day that Isaac Newton discovered gravity! We must experience this!!´ Miss Bubbly said excitedly. The trio then left the castle and the town to find the renowned scientist and mathematician Isaac Newton. They walked through most of Lincolnshire when eventually they got tired and started to give up. But right as they were about to sit down, something caught Miss Bubbly¶s eye. ³That's him! Sitting down at that tree´ she yell ed as she started running towards him, Hans and Mitch folliwing. They stood around 10 meters away behind another tree, Miss Bubbly enthusiastically watching the famed scholar. Several hours passed, when the time eventually reached 2:48pm - at that exact moment they watched a world changing event. An apple fell and hit his head, promptly followed by excited squeaks and rapid notetaking. The trio ran over to him and asked him if they could have a look at his notes. Isaac was very protective of his notes, an d responded with a gruff ³NO!´, as he turned his back to them and walked home.
³What are we going to do now??´ asked Mitch.
³We can sneak in after dark and take the page´ Miss Bubbly replied.
A few hours later, they snuck into his home and ransacked his office for the notes. ³Miss Bubbly , I think I found it´ whispered Mitch, as he began throwing his notes around in search of the page. A short while later, he found it.
³Now we just have to get out of here.´ said Miss Bubbly .
Once they got outside, they found Hans waiting outside. He saw that they found the page and held the back door open for Mitch and Bubbly . They hopped into the car and drove into another portal.
Chapter 5
³Where in the world are we?!´ exclaimed Mitch.
Hans gave a cheerful grin; ³Take a guess´ he said.
As the limo¶s wheels came to a stop, Miss Bubbly ¶s heart was racing. ³What will we have to do next?´ she uttered to herself.
Hans got out and opened the door for Miss Bubbly and Mitch.
Hans gestured for them to follow him, ³Right this way, please´.
Stepping out of the car, the sound of loud music and the smell of fresh food filled the air. Neon signs illuminated the streets to create a beautiful scene. All around them were thousands of people walking with purpose across the streets.
³This is amazing!´ shouted Mitch.
³Welcome to Hong Kong everyone! One of the busiest and most thrilling cities in the world!´ Hans stated. Miss Bubbly was in wonderment; she had always wanted to go to Hong Kong, and now she was actually there, in what seemed to be the present. ³Okay guys, remember, you guys have to find the missing page. Tony Blair, the head of the British government will be at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre«´ Hans interrupted her daydreaming: ³Alright, to find the missing page, we need to find the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. This is the day of the Hong Kong handover from British to Chinese rule. Tony Blair, the British Prime Minister, will be here. You must find the page before the stroke of midnight, or else the page will be lost!´
Hans grabbed into his pouch and pulled out a pocket watch; 11:05pm, it read.
³Quick! We have less than an hour to find the page, we need to get a move on!´ exclaimed Hans. Not knowing where to go, Miss Bubbly looked at Mitch with a concerned look ± to her surprise, Mitch was not beside her, but was staring at a street map on the other side of the road.
Pushing through the masses of people, Miss Bubbly , followed by Hans, eventually reached Mitch.
³How will we get to the Convention Centre?´ she asked.
³There¶s a subway station just over there´, pointing to a set of stairs along the sidewalk with a big ³M´ sign above it, ³«we can take a train straight to the Centre!´
Without further delay, the trio descended beneath the streets of Hong Kong, boarded a train and took only 10 minutes to cross the city. Rushing up the stairs to ground level, the Exhibition building greeted them, covered in British and Chinese flags.
³Come on!´ Miss Bubbly shouted while breaking into a run.
They ran up the stairs of the building, down a corridor and into the main hall, in which Tony Blair and the soon-to-be ex-Governor of Hong Kong were seated. They ran down onto the main parade ground and searched frantically around between the columns of British soldiers standing at attention. ³GOT IT!´ Mitch shouted« a bit too loudly. Their antics had been noticed by the event security, and Hong Kong police were now descending towards them. The trio ran out a side entrance, police in hot pursuit, now following Hans to where he had parked the car. No sooner did they close the doors had the police surrounded the vehicle. ³Come on, come on! Lets go!!´ Mitch and Miss Bubbly shouted to Hans. He flicked an overhead switch and they once again were submerged in the portal of gold light again.
Chapter 6
Miss Bubbly was still holding the page from Hong Kong as herself and Mitch were whisked away once again into the portal. As the light faded once again, she saw throngs of people moving about her. The screaming and sounds of chattering were overwhelming. Looking up, they both saw a winding, snaking rollercoaster and adjacent to that, a sign that read ³Disneyland´. The loud colours and lights were shining on her as she, Mitch and Hans leading the way walked through the crowds. They had been travelling for so long that Miss Bubbly realised something; she was very hungry . The smell of theme park food all around her was irresistible.
³Can I quickly grab something to eat?´ she asked Hans and Mitch.
³If you¶re quick!´ replied Hans.
She dashed off to a vendor selling pretzels and searched around in her pockets for some change. µYes!¶ she said to herself upon finding a $5 note. No sooner had she found the note than she had a pretzel stuffed in her mouth. She returned to Hans and Mitch, who were looking at a map of the park. ³Mmm mmmm mmmm mm´, Miss Bubbly said, a mouthful of pretzel impairing her speech. ³Don¶t speak with a mouthful of food!´ Mitch exclaimed. ³Sorry. I was saying, where is the next page?´ Miss Bubbly said, more coherently this time. ³I think we need to go to the Time Machine ride´ replied Hans.
They walked through the park until they got to the Ride, which unfortunately had a long line of people snaking out the entrance. With a collective groan the trio waited in line for what felt like the longest hour of their life. When they finally got to the front of the line, they started to look around for the page. They boarded the ride and continued their search. ³There it is!´ Hans shouted, pointing to a page suspended from the ceiling. ³I think I can grab it!´ Hans removed the safety restraints and stood up to grab it, precariously
standing on tiptoes. With much suspense, he finally grabbed the page from the chain.
³Got it!´ he said victoriously. He looked very proud of himself.
³Let¶s get out of here!´ said Miss Bubbly .
At the end of the ride, they got off and headed towards the car. They once again got into the car and were bathed in gold light, as they journeyed into the portal.
Chapter 7
Flash! Bang! «and a bright light streaked into the exhausted librarian¶s eyes.
³Oh no, where are we now?´.
Hans the chauffeur gave her a look ushering her out of the machine. She anxiously observed the ginormous palace in front of her.
³Surely there are no surprises here«´ she told herself.
Picking up the creased and torn pages, Mitch and Miss Bubbly jumped out of the confined space of the time machine. The rough, shining edges of the palace was touched with gleaming chunks of gold lighting up the hallway. A small, elderly-looking lady shuffled along the hall ahead of them, her head held high and proud.
µ¶She must be the Queen¶¶ Miss Bubbly quietly whispered to herself. She
was in Buckingham Palace!
She sneakily makes her way through the back entrance of the palace with Mitch. These weird people with big bearskin hats and fully uniformed with red all over them and a scaring weapon in his right hand were guarding the back door. How was she going to get in and find the second last piece of paper? This place was nearly as big as one country. Well in her opinion it was. She had to do something to get in! Miss Bubbly searched her pockets for any materials in which would help her in order to enter the palace. She found a mechanical spider in her left pocked and its remote in her right pocket. She turned it on and navigated it to the guard which was blocking her way. The guard completely had a panic attack and ran away! In a fast walking motion she quickly enters the palace and sneaks her way to the nearest room. Accidentally the room she had walked into was the conference room. There were 20 odd people staring at her rudely. One spoke in French to her but she quickly replied with µoui¶ though she wasn¶t quiet sure what she was asked. Just as quickly as they asked, they returned back to the conference and she ran out of the room as quickly as she could. The librarian made her way up the stairs and tried to search every room for the a small A4 piece of ripped paper with black printed words. Mitch followed her after checking the second floor. Suddenly shouting occurred from the first level. It sounded like they were looking for an intruder.
Who could possibly be the intruder? She needed to hide and fast. Oh...they meant her! SHE was the intruder. They had weapons and were armed and this scared her though Mitch was weirdly not worried. If they were found, they¶d be stuck in this future world forever! They did not want that to happen. Mitch missed the current world were the only thing he had to worry about was math homework. Suddenly, she found her way into a secret room. It had a hundred doors surrounding it and she wasn¶t quite sure which to open. She huddled behind a coat rack in the corner of the room and prayed tha t she wouldn¶t be found. Shouts were coming closer to her and they echoed around the room. She chose another door near her. It was fancy and old and she thought it would be a place where she wouldn¶t be found. She found herself in the Hall of Mirrors. It was so beautiful and delicate. The patterns and symmetrical walls amazed her. Mitch gasped ³I can see myself!´. She wondered if this was the most beautiful room in the world. Everything even the smallest detail amazed her. Behind her a shadow swiftly passed her and reminded them of their goal. Unexpectedly Miss Bubbly stepped back and saw that there was a piece of thin white piece of ripped paper floating in front of her eyes! ³It¶s part of the book!´, Mitch whispered amazed. The librarian quickly ran and swiftly turned to grab the piece of paper, but just then bad luck hit her and she missed it again! How was she going to help her friend from Earth-2? Suddenly the witch disappeared with a freakish whistle . What was she going to do?
Chapter 8
It was the witch! She had appeared before, all throughout the trio¶s journey. As she approached them, Mitch saw something in her hand. A pale, crumpled piece of paper... the last page! Miss Bubbly reached out to take it, but the witch pulled it away. ³Not so fast!´ the witch said, ³I¶m afraid I can¶t let you take this...´ ³Why not? We have come so far for it!´ cried Mitch. ³If I could just - ´ Mitch leapt for the page, but the witch shot a bright ball of blue electric bolts at him! Mitch leapt backwards just in time
³Don¶t try to take if from her,´ said Hans, ³Amethyst is too powerful to be challenged.´
³Amethyst? You know her?´ questioned Miss Bubbly.
³She - she is from my planet, Earth 2. I was one of the only people that escaped b efore the darkness arrived, is swept over our planet, under Amethyst¶s command, Why, you ask? Well- ´ Hans was stopped short by an intimidating stare from Amethyst, but Hans finally spoke his mind: ³No more will you keep me silent, Amethyst. You stopped me from bringing my friends from Earth 2, you stopped me from blocking the darkness, you stopped me from bringing all of the pages to my friends so they could be free, you stopped me from revealing your planet and identity to Mitch and Miss Bubbly, but you will not stop me this time! You will not control me anymore! And I don¶t care if you are a powerful witch, I will save my planet!´ The rage in Hans made Amethyst freeze in shock, powerless. Her power was to control darkness, hence why she stole the sun, but he had broken it, leaving her spellbound. Hans courageously leapt for the page, ripping it out of Amethyst¶s hands. He then slammed all 6 pages together and screamed at the top of his lungs: ³End the dark and let the light enter!´ and with that, Hans a nd Amethyst disappeared, never to be seen again, with a gut-wrenching screech from the witch. As Mitch went to pick up the pages, Miss Bubbly yelled ³Look Mitch!´ It was remarkable. Mitch looked up to see a distant ball of dust cracking open, and turning into a mystical golden ball, Earth 2 has ended their darkness! It was now a beautiful gold star, with a blinding light shining all through the galaxy. Hans¶s bravery had saved his planet, but now Miss Bubbly and Mitch were seemingly stranded in Earth 2.
³Maybe we could slam the pages together like Hans did?´ said Mitch.
Miss Bubbly nodded her head in agreement, picked up the pages and closed her eyes. With all her might, she slammed the pages together... and...!
...nothing happened.
³Oh, it¶s no use, we will never get home, and I'll never see my books again!!!´ cried Miss Bubbly.
Through her tears, she saw something. She got up and started running, running as if it were a matter of life and death. As she approached, she saw a blue ball, fizzing with little lightning bolts. It was what remained of Amethyst¶s magic! ³What is it?´ cried Mitch. Miss Bubbly explained what it was and they rejoiced: they could use this to get home! Miss Bubbly dropped the pages on the ball, and that was the last time they saw those flashing lights. The next thing they knew, they were back at the National Australian Library, holding the book again. But it was different. It had a peculiar letter on top of it, in a large purple envelope. They opened it compulsively. It was a letter from Hans!
It read:
“Dear Miss Bubbly and Mitch,
Thank you for finding the pages for us, and congratulations on getting back home!
Our planet is restored because of you, thank you for helping your neighbours!
Kindest Regards, Hans.”
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