Performing Arts Captains Handbook 2019
F ive things you won ’ t know about M rs R oberts and M rs D’A rcy : • Mrs Roberts has an emotion of the day chart. • Also, a handy ‘NO!’ button. • Try and figure out which Beauty and the Beast inanimate object they are- deep and personal here guys… • They expect you to provide gourmet meals for them every meeting (just kidding). • It is a fact that they are the wisest and most amazing humans you will ever work with. T he position of P erforming A rts C aptain at S omerset can best be described as : A crazy, hectic, never-ending stream of drama and performance and talent. We are blown away by how many students get involved, how many rehearsals are running and how many instruments are crammed into the band room. It’s an amazing community to be a part of, you’ll find the most dramatic, hard-working and passionate people. T hings we will miss most about our C aptaincy The people- the student leadership team is an amazing one to be a part of, so we will definitely miss the scramble to get academic gowns that fit. Also, the food. Mr Bassingthwaite and Mrs Foster are really nice and give you food- whether that’s lollies at meetings or sandwiches…food is always a plus. But jokes aside, we will miss working with Mrs. Roberts and Mrs. D’Arcy the most.
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Somerset College Performing Arts Captains Handbook
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