Math IA
B usybody B irds Obviously, Bonnie knew who must be at fault for this. Of course, the main character rarely knows the true cause of the undesirable situations they land themselves in, but let’s roll with it for now. There was no way that they would be able to stop the caravan. Again, instead of investigating how the characters know this, let’s continue with the story. She took a breath, preparing to unleash a verbal tirade on her unexpected visitor, but something stopped her just before she spoke. A tiny brown speck had appeared in the distance. “What… is that?” Bonnie asked in a strangled voice. “What is what? You haven’t even told me your name yet by the way. And you accuse me of bad manners...” Byron grumbled, rubbing his head gingerly. “No, look, what is that?” Bonnie insisted, trying to get Byron’s attention. Byron finally peaked through the curtain and saw what looked like a large boulder of sand and dust charging up the hill. Boulders of dust and sand are very mysterious, so are a good indication that something mysterious is going to happen, if I do say so myself. “Is it coming towards us?” Byron asked fearfully. “Get a grip kid, there is no way in the world that it would come near-” There was a massive bang and Bonnie and Byron were thrown back onto the bed. Sitting up, the stared at the incredible sight before them. “Is that… an ostrich?” Bonnie exclaimed.
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