Math IA
going to say, as all good stories pause in the heat of the moment. So here we are, in the heat of the moment. This also happens to be the perfect time for the two characters to abruptly fall over as they realise that the caravan had begun to roll. But not a leisurely roll, oh no, that wouldn’t do. It was a very vigorous, fast-paced, heart-pumping roll down a very steep hill. The kind of roll that sends furniture tumbling down and slams the doors shut. In half a moment, both Bonnie and Byron were on the floor, and struggling to stand as the little home on wheels bumped and groaned down the hill. Fortunately, the hill was steep enough to provide excitement, but not enough to cause bodily harm to our main characters. Such a relief. Bonnie groaned. Just the kind of thing that would happen to me, she thought. Which is true, as her character has been designed for just this purpose. Bonnie stumbled onto the bed at the back of the caravan, and peeked through the curtain covering the window. There was no end in sight. Of course, in real life you would be able to see the bottom of a hill. But this is my story, so let’s disregard logic and say that there is no end in sight. Bonnie liked to consider herself as the kind of person who remained calm in a crisis or in times of struggle . It was in the job requirement, after all. But I’m afraid to say that after checking the doors and the windows only to find herself locked in her own caravan with a stranger, the panic set in and she entered a state which could be generously described as ‘frantic.’ And with that, it begins to look like our main protagonists are going to be stuck with each other for a while.
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