Math IA
Across the street she could see the same teenage kids who were on the train earlier. She was shocked by the hatred and anger displayed by everyone in that city. Penelope looked across the wide city and saw people with desolate faces limping on paths and begging for money. She noticed how the bustling city goers treated the people in need with disregard and disgust. The future was so different to the world she knew. It made her afraid. “We’re here!” exclaimed Hunter, breaking Penelope out of her thoughts. She slowly gazed around the clinical office she has mindlessly wandered into. She figured that the office clearly belonged to the intimidating man who sat in the crocodile skin chair. There were the heads of exotic animals like tigers and polar bears hung up on the wall and even a whole stuffed platypus displayed in a glass case. She glanced down, and saw a whole cow skin with the head on the floor. While Penelope was no environmentalist, she was still shocked by the amount of decorative animals that were present in the one room. “Well, what do you want? I’m a busy man. I’ve got things to destroy, money to make.” “We want to know what your company plans are,” inquired Hunter. “Well, you know, I’m going to be knocking down a whole retirement village, to make space for another high-rise that will make me lots of money.” “But what about all of the old people?” Penelope asks. “Who really cares about them? They’re old and are useless to me” “That’s true” Hunter looked deep into Penelope’s eyes and saw that she was not yet able to see the impact that charity and kindness has on the world. He sighed and took her back on to the train.
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