Math IA
Penelope stood to the side, thinking about what she had seen. Suddenly, a slightly grumpy ghost popped into the space next to them. Both Hunter and Penelope jumped.
“I thought I sensed some time travelers. You'd better be careful, it can be dangerous,” he warned. “I'm Elias, by the way. Do you mind if I come with you?”
Hunter nodded, and started to tell Elias why they were time travelling and what they had already seen. “I'm worried that seeing the city like that has only made her a bit nicer. She is still a bit selfish, and doesn’t seem to want to help people that much either.” Just in that moment, Penelope pushed an elderly woman out of the way to take a seat. “Ah, just as I had thought” Hunter said, rolling his eyes. “What?” Penelope replied, “My feet are sore!” Penelope seemed unfazed by what she had seen in the city. Hunter began to think that she would never change. “Don’t worry,” Elias whispered into Hunters' ear, “I have another idea that might help to change her ways.” “What have you got planned?” Hunter asked as he eyed Penelope, who was now
snoring obliviously as she lay across a row of seats. “You will have to wait and see,” Elias replied, smirking. “Well whatever it is I hope it works!”
At that moment, the train came to a screeching halt, waking Penelope by launching her off her seat and onto the floor. She yelped as her head collided with the seat in front of her, and glared up at Elias and Hunter. “Why didn’t you warn me!” Penelope growled. Elias and Hunter ignored her and as the train doors slid open, they stepped out.
Penelope followed them, still rubbing her head from her incident with the train seat. The light was so blinding, Penelope couldn’t make out the scene before her. However,
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