JSM - Edition Two
J ewel B ugs This animal report is about the Australian Jewel Bugs, Their science name is Jewel Bugs (Family Scutelleridae). In this report, the habitat, food chain, interesting facts and human impacts on Jewel Bugs will be discussed. The Jewel Bug is a small bug with a round body that has a shield that covers the abdomen. This beautiful bug gets its mane from the bright colours on its exoskeleton or body. The Jewel Bug comes in many different sizes from very small (3mm long) to quite large (65mm long). Jewel Bugs live throughout Australia and other parts of the world. They are most commonly found in forest and woody trees like oak trees and spruce trees. These are just two of the many different trees that Jewel Bugs live on. The larvae of these bugs live in wood or sometimes in soft plant stems. This beautiful creature belongs to the kingdom of Animalia. It loves to feed on the nectar from flowers, tree sap and eucalyptus leaves and also fees on a broad range of seeds. Because it eats these things, it is called a herbivore. The main predators of Jewel Bugs are wasps. These predators are very sneaky and like to paralyze the Jewel Bug so that it cannot escape. It is very sad but a necessary part of the food chain. There are some very interesting facts about Jewel Bugs. Did you know that Jewel Bugs have large eyes and short antennae and they can retract their legs into their hard shells when they are being attacked by birds or other predators? There are 25 different species of Jewel Bugs in Australia, which is amazing. Sadly, Jewel Bugs have been used by native people as jewelry and ornaments because of their pretty colours. The Jewel Bug is a very special bug because of their beauty and variety of special coloured bodies. The Jewel Bug is another wonderful creature in our universe that is part of the food chain. We loved investigating this amazing creature. Jewel Bugs are part of the shield backed family. The Jewel Bug family are related to the Stink Bug family.
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Page 58
JSM Edition Two
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