JSM - Edition Two
M y H oliday - continued
Barcelona I also went to Barcelona. It was beautiful and incredible. Many of the buildings were designed by Gaudi, a famous artist. Gaudi was also an amazing architect. He designed Sagrada Familia, Park Guell and several other buildings. Gaudi started building Sagrada Familia in 1882 and it is not finished yet.
Rome We spent 4 days in Rome staying in the old part of town. In Rome we went to the Pantheon, which is the world’s oldest unreinforced concrete dome. It even had a hole in the roof for light and a marble floor! The Pantheon is over two thousand years old. It was amazing to be in a building that old. We also went to the Colosseum. It is all stone with a quarter of what was the floor covered with a wooden platform. The floor that gladiators used to fight on was wooden with fifteen centimetres of sand on top to soak up the blood from the battles. This holiday was fantastic, I discovered different cultures and how they work. I also had an awesome family holiday.
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JSM Edition Two
Page 57
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