JSM - Edition Two
Y ear 6 - P ersuasive D iary W riting
18th May 2001 Dear Diary,
I am sad to be leaving soon. My time here in Behala will be over soon. I have been here for seven years now, and fell in love with this place. The children here have such warm smiles. Although I will have to pass the torch to the next Principal of this mission school, I well and truly hope I can visit this place again. The person I will miss the most is Rat. He is like a son to me and I am like a father to him. I set rules up, then I break them. I do this for the kids like Rat. Sister Olivia does this too and even asked adopting Rat. I am so glad that I stayed here for six years longer than was first planned. I will always treasure my time here and the people here, despite all of the drama of stealing, lying, everything that is happening and has happened. I can’t trust Rat much anymore. I just can’t believe that Rat and his two friends, Raphael and Gardo would lie to me. In front of my face! They were asking me a while back to use my computer for a history quiz but they lied. Instead they were searching up someone called Josie? I don’t quite remember but it was something like that. I was not sure why they wanted the information but now, I know. The boys found an ID card of a man killed during an interrogation which is extremely sad but I will be leaving soon so I think it’s best to not be a part of this. So I will miss this place and feel honoured to have worked here for seven years. I will definitely treasure Behala forever in my heart. Well that will be it for now, I will definitely miss this place. Father Juilliard
K aye A mores Y ear 6Z
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JSM Edition Two
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