JSM - Edition Two
Y ear 6 - P ersuasive D iary W riting
4th May 2014 Dear Diary,
I feel unhappy. Just today I found out that I wasn’t wanted at the Behala Mission School as the Head. I was supposed to be running the school for 1 year, but I fell in love with the place. I ended up staying on until now, after 7 years I’ve been forced to retire. I’m 63 years old, with white hair. They’re thinking of appointing a new, young Head. The school needs new energy they said. Even I agree. Not many children are going to school. 10 Years old is the age most children stop. Their parents want them picking trash! Some kids come once a week, others every day. I can make the children come to classes. Food is the only thing they want, and perhaps water, so we have to bribe them to come and learn. It’s made me unsure about my future. I mean, what’s a 63 year old going to do when he’s retired? I have no wife and no children; I’m just part of a large church community. There are rules at school, as always. Most of them make sense, although one is weird. The rule is; on the stairs up to chapel, nobody must speak. I make rules and break them for some kids like Jun, a small kid who’s lonely. I want to help kids like him, I want to stay on. They are all so caring, helpful and kind even though they might not attend classes. It’s not time for me to say good bye yet. I’ll try my best to stay on. I don’t care what everybody else thinks! The kids, the environment on the dumpsite, all mean too much to me. Their education is important, I’m the Head to teach them. I will help them learn lessons, I’m the perfect person. Father Juilliard
J ustin H ammett Y ear 6Z
JSM Edition Two
Page 43
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