JSM - Edition Four
R epercussions continued
“Let’s start at lunch, meet me at the year 3 playground,” Leigh whispers to me. Lunchtime finally arrives. I skip the cafeteria and head off to meet Leigh at the year 3 playground. He’s already there waiting for me. “Hey Leigh” I shout. “What’s the plan?” “Ok, well one. He’s taking away your rights and TWO we’ll try and figure out a way to stop this happening to you” Leigh says. “My rights? Are you serious? Anyway were did this rights thing start?” I replied, “In the middle of the 19th century, the idea appears in France to give children special protection, enabling the progressive development of “minors’ rights”. Since 1841, laws start to protect children in their workplace. Since 1881, French laws include the right for the children to be educated. At the beginning of the 20th century, children’s protection starts to be put in place, including protection in the medical, social and judicial fields. This kind of protection starts first in France and spreads across Europe afterwards.” Leigh says finishing his speech “oh and take this I printed it off before. I’ve also circled the rights which Axel is breaking”. “Oh, thanks. But why do I need to know this?” I asked taking the piece of paper from Leigh. “It’s important to know what your rights are so you can stand up and defend yourself”, Leigh said. As I begin to read the piece of paper that Leigh gave me I noticed that article 14, 30, 31, 36 and 39 were circled. This meant that Axel was denying me these rights. Article 14 says that “Children have the right to think and believe what they want and to practice their religion so long as they are not stopping other people from enjoying their rights. Parents should guide children on these matters”. Article 30 reads “Children have the right to learn and use the language and customs of their families whether or not these are shared by the majority of the people in the country where they live, as long as this does not harm others” Article 31 states, “Children to have the right to relax and play and to join in a wide range of leisure activities. And the last article 36 stats children who have been neglected or abused should receive special help to restore their self-respect. “You done?” Leigh interrupts “We need to move to step tow we don’t have all lunch time you know” Leigh continued “all right” I reply “what should I do?” I say “what can you do?” Leigh replies. Leigh continues “One; you should talk to a parent or guardian you trust. Adults need to know when bad things happen so they can help and second show the bully that you don’t care,
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JSM Edition Four
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