JSM - Edition Four
R epercussions continued
“But do not!” 1.
Think it’s your fault. Nobody deserves to be bullied!
2. 3.
Fight back or bully a person back.
Keep it to yourself and just hope the bullying will “go away.”
4. Skip school or avoid school or afterschool activities because you’re afraid of the bully. 5. Don’t be afraid to tell. ... 6. Hurt yourself. “Well what do you expect me to do now?” I say
“We need to get rid of Axel” Leigh replies. As Leigh said that the school bell rang. “I have to go, you do too. Take that information into consideration and tell someone. You need to, before it’s too late”, said Leigh. “Thanks for everything Leigh, I owe you a lot”, I reply. I run off to my next class and begin to work. Two hours later, the final school bell rings and its schools out. I stay behind so that I’m the last one to leave. Mr Leader is also still in the classroom. I walk begin to walk over his desk. I feel kind of nervous. “Mr Leader…” I say softly. “Yes, Johnathan?” Mr Leader replies. “I…I just want to talk to you about Axel” I say nervously. “Ah yes, Axel. I understand he can be quite the troublemaker. But what would you like to tell me about him? Mr Leader asked. So I told him. Everything. Everything that Axel has done to me and Toothless over the past year. I travel home on foot just in case I saw Axel on the bus. I finally get home and tell Mum everything I told Mr Leader. A few days later, I receive a letter from the police. I begin to read it. It says, “We are extremely remorseful that the events that happened between yourself and Axel Vincor. We have taken all complaints seriously and will begin the process of charging Axel Vincor with multiple charges of abuse, assault, underage smoking and drug possession. I can inform you that he will be expelled from Infinity Primary school effect of immediately. He appears at court within the next week and will plead his case against the magistrate. We hope that these incidents will never happen again and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the police regarding this matter”. With a sigh of relief, my days of dealing with Axel are over! I don’t have to look over my shoulder anymore. For the first time in a long time, I was happy.
J ake P hillips Y ear 5P
JSM Edition Four
Page 27
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