Book - Road Back to Kak
The sound of the V8 engine from the Camaro begins to haunt me. Chad races up beside us. We are side by side, as I see a wild look in his eyes. He begins to smile viciously, and he starts to swerve into us. I begin to scream wildly as he hits us. The metal screeches, drowning out my fear. Janine begins to accelerate as we struggle to escape, pushing the Civic as fast it would go. 90...100...110…. The silver civic screams as it shoots past the Camaro. “I see a servo up ahead. We’ll lose ‘em up here” she whispers to me. She speeds up ahead, and I look at the clock on the dashboard. It reads 2:24. We pull into a nearby gas station, and we park as behind a truck, inconspicuous as possible. The Camaro growls as it races off into the horizon. - I was in and out all morning. Now it reaches the afternoon, the heavy stench of petrol and oil fills my senses. I identify my surroundings and try to figure out where I am. We’re pulling out of a questionable gas station. As I slowly regain consciousness, I can decipher the smells more closely and I realise that the oil scent is coming from my left. Oil seeps from a cardboard box with 6 fried nuggets inside. My pulse hammers in my ears, and the adrenaline thunders through my veins. I’m safe now, I know this. Yet no matter how hard I try, I can’t help but glance in the rear-view mirror. It is unsettling, the knowledge that my people are hunted with such rigour. My eyes dart around the dash – the clock moves in a comforting monotony. I watch it for a moment. At last, my heart begins to slow. Janine clears her throat beside me, the sudden noise startling me. I feel my heart begin to climb, then slow once more as I meet her kind eyes and weathered smile. She makes me feel safe – whether or not that’s unwise, I cannot yet say. “So, how ya doin’?” She asks, with a gruff and embarrassed kind of concern. I incline my head in (what I hope appears to be) a positive manner. She seems to understand and smiles again.
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