Book - Road Back to Kak
-Chapter 3- The next few hours blur together. The desert air travels across the empty horizon, and spirals of dust dance along the terrain. I have missed this freedom. The blazing red heat rays bounce off the bonnet of the Civic, and the figure of the driver sits inside. She appears to be reading. The air surrounding me becomes charged, and a steady rumble reaches me. A deep roar comes from the fast approaching Bumblebee Camaro. It seems out of place in the earthy and natural surroundings. It revs its engine menacingly, speeding towards us at an alarming pace. We have to go. I quickly scurry over to the side of the door and slam my body into the door. Startled, the woman opens the door and realises after a moment of confusion that we are being hunted. She shuts her book and throws it aside, while simultaneously jamming the keys into the ignition. She slams on the acceleration and we begin to fly forward. The yellow car continues to roar and thrum behind us. I check the speedometer - 60… 70… 80…. I struggle with the long strap over me but manage to glance behind us at the yellow car. Bold black letters spell out CHAD across the bordered plate on the bumper. I see a man inside the car, who I can only assume is Chad. He has slick brown hair and shades, and is wearing a denim and fur jacket. He turns to the side, and recognition floods through me. His profile matches that of the man who chased me, back at my prison. My blood runs cold in terror. Suddenly the car jolts, and I am thrown forward. We turn onto a back street, our tires scraping against the tarmac. My body begins to tremble as I manoeuvre myself back over the soft thing I am sitting on. I feel the engine of the Camaro roar and rumble as it gains on us. I see Chad in the rear-view mirror. I try to look away but the crazed expression on his face holds me immobile in fear. He stares directly at me, hands gripping the steering wheel almost comically. In deathly slow motions, he mouths “I’m comin’ for youse”. I quiver in my seat with fear. What if he does catch me? What will happen to me? “Mate, don’t fret, I’ll get us there safe.” Janine says softly, assuring me. I try to smile, but I find that I am frozen. I try to think optimistically, even as I hear him gaining on us.
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