2022 IB Diploma Extended Essays
Figure 2 Io's interior (Dobrijevic, 2022)
The transportation of heat by convection in the mantle depends strongly on temperature, temperature increasing while the viscosity drops. An intense increase in convective heat flux occurs above the solidus, as the viscosity drops by several orders of magnitude from that of the solid to that of the liquid. The solidus is the set of all points that satisfy one or more conditions of temperatures, but when below, a temperature is completely solid. The addition of tidal heating dependent on temperature makes possible another equilibrium point, in which the tidal heat is balanced by the convective transport of heat. These equilibria are very stable, and an increase in temperature from just one of the points leads to the transportation of heat that surpasses the heat generated. Thus, returning the system to the stable point. The temperature of Io’s mantle at this new stable equilibrium is above the solidus, and Io is thought to be in or close to this equilibrium state. Previous theories of heat on Io Pervious theories have suggested that the heat on Io was generated from within the moon. This caused scientists to treat the moon as solid but deformable. This later was discovered to be an incorrect theory when scientists used computer models and this assumption to map the volcanoes present. Most of the volcanoes on Io were offset 30 to 60 degrees East from the original predicted position, which questioned the use of the classical solid-body tidal heating models that
scientists were using on Io. Heat produced by fluid flow
Viscous fluids can generate more heat through the frictional dissipation of energy as they move. This means that the interior of Io has more heat and therefore flow of fluids than scientists predicted. This has forced the volcanoes to be 30 to 60 degrees away from initial estimates (Steigerwald, 2015).
3 Experiment 3.1 Introduction of experiment 3.1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this investigation is to determine the relationship between angular speed and change in the level of a liquid, measured from the outermost point of a beaker. The relationship produced will illustrate how liquids are impacted by angular velocity. The momentum and force of gravity on a mass must be balanced to keep it in orbit, therefore the angular velocity is important.
3.1.3 Background Research Speed and Angular velocity
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