Year 9 Subject Guide 2020
Subject Outline by Semester: YEAR 9 – SEMESTER ONE:
• Unit One: Building your brand • Key Concept: Identity • Related Concepts: Presentation and Audience • Global Context: Scientific and Technical Innovation • Statement of Inquiry: A brands presentation directly influences a company’s identity and audience. Students will create a logo and poster for a fictional company of their choice, using Adobe Illustrator. The media that they create will reflect the core values and identity of the company they have developed. Students will engage in research by analysing similar companies, logos and poster designs to help aid them to understand what makes the design effective and how to identify and appeal to target markets. This unit builds on the Adobe Illustrator skills developed in Year 8 Design, while developing a deeper understanding of how the Adobe interface is structured to help when learning more complex Adobe software later in the course. Once the students products are completed they will deliver a short presentation to their peers outlining the successes of their branding and marketing. YEAR 9 - SEMESTER TWO: • Unit Two: Tonight on the News • Key Concept: Communication • Related Concepts: Narrative and Representation • Global Context: Fairness and Development • Statement of Inquiry: The communication of news reports is dependent on the narrative construction by representation of facts. The Design Challenge for Unit Two requires students to work in a group to design and make a news report for a current topical issue (e.g. political campaigns, new technology, etc). Once the group has generated the raw footage students will independently edit the footage into either a biased or non-biased news report. Prior learning in Adobe software exists from Unit One, where Unit Two sees students extend their skills and understanding through the use of Adobe Premiere Pro to edit and cut sequences of footage together. During this course, students will have the opportunity to use the purpose-built film studio and state of the art equipment to record footage and to explore the possibilities of green screen technology.
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