Year 9 Subject Guide 2020
ARTS - MEDIA ART Subject Summary:
The Year 9 Media Art programme is designed to get students familiar with universal skills and techniques when editing both static and dynamic media. Students will be using the Adobe suite for their learning journey to explore the fundamental skills of forming their visions. Media Art is a practical subject where we will be learning software suites in a fun engaging manner. This is done through hands-on instruction where students explore the Adobe suite to develop and implement their own unique creations. By learning a suite that is used by professionals, we aim to give students an edge on their peers and prepare them for the Senior subject of Film, Television and New Media. The aims of the teaching and study of MYP Media Art are to encourage and enable students to: • create and present art • develop skills specific to the discipline
• engage in a process of creative exploration and (self-)discovery • make purposeful connections between investigation and practice • understand the relationship between art and its contexts • respond to and reflect on art • deepen their understanding of the world.
Assessment Outline: The students are assessed throughout the programme according to the following criteria: • Criterion A: Knowing and Understanding (maximum 8 marks) • Criterion B: Developing Skills (maximum 8 marks) • Criterion C: Thinking Creatively (maximum 8 marks) • Criterion D: Responding (maximum 8 marks) Each semester students will be required to complete the following assessment tasks: • Written task, such as a Unit Test or Research Assignment. • A series of practical pieces culminating in the creation of one main resolved piece. • A written analysis/evaluation of their completed practical work. • A Process Journal.
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