Year 9 Subject Guide 2020
Read this booklet all the way through with your parents.
2. Talk with subject teachers of electives to get an idea of the subjects 3. Note any aspects of the booklet that you don’t understand and see Deputy Headmaster Dr Brohier, Dean of Studies Mrs Crowley, or myself as soon as possible. 4. Do not hesitate to make an appointment for yourself or your parents to see Dr Brohier, Mrs Crowley or myself if you wish to discuss elective options. 5. Consider your likes and dislikes, your strengths and limitations in subject areas 6. In the light of this information, look at each elective offered and ask yourself honestly if you would be able to do it, like to do it and have a need to do it in order to do a connected subject in Years 10, 11 and 12. 7. Attend the compulsory Information Night on Wednesday 14 August 2019 at 6.00pm The Great Hall with your parents/guardians. 8. Select your electives. 9. Following the Information Evening complete your subject selection on the Web Preference Student Portal.
Yours in sensible subject choices,
Mrs Michele Sauer Dean of Middle Years
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