Year 9 Subject Guide 2020
SUBJECT SELECTION FOR YEAR 9 - continued Year 8 has been intended as a year of investigation to introduce students to a wide range of subjects and new academic routines. In Year 9, students can begin to fine tune their range of subjects to suit individual academic strengths and interests. The subjects offered are divided into two groups: • CORE SUBJECTS: which must be done by every student. • ELECTIVE SUBJECTS: from which each student must choose another two subjects. See subject details (page 15 onwards) for more information on each subject. CORE SUBJECTS • Language and Literature (English) • Language Acquisition (German, Japanese, • French). This continues on from existing language. • Mathematics or Mathematics Extended (Note: Mathematics Extended classes are capped at 27. If necessary, selection will be reviewed by the Head of Mathematics, based on Year 8 results). • Sciences • Individuals and Societies • Physical and Health Education Students who successfully complete the Year 9 Core subjects will have a sound base upon which to progress to Year 10, 11 and 12 subjects. ELECTIVE SUBJECTS The elective subjects for Year 9 permit all students to broaden their interests into areas covered by the subjects shown below • Business and Entrepeneurship • Design • Digital Design • Studies In Commerce
Important – preferences and class numbers: It is sometimes difficult to completely satisfy the first preference of all subjects for all students. In addition, if numbers for an elective subject are too low, that subject may not be offered. ASSESSMENT IN YEAR 9 In Years 9, assessment takes two forms: Summative and Formative. Both are important. Formative Assessment is a means by which a teacher may ascertain the level of progress of a student. This may take the form of tests, assignments, reports, homework, and they may or may not be marked. Formative work is not optional. A student taking a particular subject in Years 9 and 10 is required to do all the formative work. The main difference to summative work is that the marks derived from formative work are not counted in the final assessment or placement of a student. Summative Assessment is the programmed assessment for the year and is clearly stated in the Assessment booklets provided to every Year 9 Student. Criteria sheets are provided for all summative work. If a deadline is missed without adequate reason, the student will not be credited with that mark. Every summative piece counts. Summative assessment may take a variety of forms: tests, projects, assignments, exams, oral presentations and so on.
• Arts – Media Arts • Arts - Visual Art
• Performing Arts - Drama • Performing Arts – Music • Global Politics
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