Year 9 Assessment Guide 2020
IB MYP YEAR 9 – SCIENCES continued
Scientific Inquiry Part 2 - Research Criterion D 03.08.20 – 14.08.20 Student Experiment Extended Experimental Investigation Day Criterion B and C 03.09.20
The systematic movement of the earth’s layers results in geographic changes whilst the storage and release of energy has significant consequences.
Systems Energy Consequences
Unit 4: Systems and Consequences in Plate Tectonics Developing the theory of Plate Tectonics Investigating tectonic processes Volcanoes and earthquakes Unit 5: Changes in Waves, Sound and Electromagnetic Radiation
Scientific and Technical Innovation
Change Function Transformation
The observation of the behaviour of waves as energy transformers leads to an understanding of waves and how they can be used in various technologies.
Scientific and Technical Innovation
Sound Electromagnetic radiation Light reflection and refraction
Semester Two Examination Criterion A 04 – 11.11.20
Change Energy Consequences
The changes in the nucleus during nuclear reactions release energy that may have advantageous or disruptive consequences.
Scientific and Technical Innovation
Unit 6: Relationships between Atoms and Radiation Developing a model of the atom Exploring isotopes Exploring radioisotopes Unit 7: Systems involved with Maintaining Homeostasis Coordinated body systems Nervous control Endocrine system and chemical control Diseases and immunity
The interaction and coordination of different body systems provides a method to achieve balance within our internal environment.
Systems Balance Interaction Function
Scientific and Technical Innovation
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