Year 9 Assessment Guide 2020

SENIOR SCHOOL ASSESSMENT AND ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICY PROMOTING ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Academic Integrity is vitally important in maintaining and growing the atmosphere of intellectual inquiry at Somerset College. Somerset College promotes academic integrity by developing students’ skills and modelling appropriate academic practices. The word integrity is used to describe a person’s honesty, moral principles and strength of character. Choosing to display integrity is an important behaviour, and one that applies to all aspects of your life, both now and into the future. Through recognition and understanding of academic integrity, students further develop the IB Learner Profile attribute of being principled. Displaying and upholding Academic Integrity is everyone’s responsibility including the following groups:


• the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO), QCAA • Somerset College • teachers • students • tutors • parents/carers/others in a support role.

The following whole-school procedures support this endeavour.

Policy and procedures

Location and communication of policy

The school assessment policy is located on Schoolbox and in the Year Level Assessment Booklets. Sections of this policy are also included in the student diary. All questions regarding this policy should be directed to the Deputy Headmaster, Dean of Studies or IB Programme Co-ordinators. To ensure the assessment policy is consistently applied, it will be revisited at the beginning of each year in PC Groups. Relevant processes will be revisited: • when the assessment schedule is published • when each task is handed to students • through communication to parents/carers and students as required Somerset College has high expectations for academic integrity and student participation and engagement in learning and assessment. Students become eligible for a MYP Certificate of Completion, IB Diploma or QCE when they have accrued the set amount of learning, at the set standard, in a set pattern. Students are required to complete all course and assessment requirements on or before the due date for their results to contribute towards their final grades.

Expectations about engaging in learning and assessment

Student responsibility Students are expected to: • engage in the learning for the subject or course of study

• produce evidence of achievement that is authenticated as their own work • submit responses to scheduled assessment on or before the due date.

To emphasise the importance of sound academic practices, staff and students will complete the QCAA academic integrity courses.


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