Year 8 Assessment Booklet 2020

SENIOR SCHOOL ASSESSMENT AND ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICY 1. SCOPE This policy provides information for teachers, students and parents/carers about roles, responsibilities, processes and procedures to ensure the integrity of assessment that contributes to the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE), MYP and IB Diploma. The framework for the policy is developed from the QCE and QCIA policy and procedures handbook, MYP From Principles to Practice and the IB Diploma from Principles to Practice and applies to all MYP, IB Diploma and QCE subjects and short courses. PURPOSE Somerset College is committed to an educational philosophy that encourages all students to achieve personal excellence by developing their talents and abilities. This policy is designed to build capacity as students work towards formative and summative assessment completion for the MYP, QCE and IB Diploma. PRINCIPLES College expectations for teaching, learning and assessment are grounded in the principles of academic integrity and excellence. Assessment includes any examination, practical demonstration, performance or product that allows students to demonstrate the objectives as described by a syllabus and can be formative or summative. Assessment should be: 2. 3. • evidence-based, using established standards and continua to make defensible and comparable judgments about students’ learning. • ongoing, with a range and balance of evidence compiled over time to reflect the depth and breadth of students’ learning (including approaches to learning) and inform future development. • transparent, to enhance professional and public confidence in the processes used, the information obtained, and the decisions made. To support transparency MYP, IB and QCE subject criteria or ISMG’s are used to report progress against subject-group objectives. • informative of where students are in learning. Feedback on assessment is to be relevant, timely and evidence based In the MYP, subject groups assess ALL strands of all four criteria at least twice in each year of the programme. Year 1 Criteria is used for Year 6, Year 3 Criteria for Years 7 and 8 and Year 5 Criteria for Years 9 and 10. In the IB Diploma Programme, DP grade descriptors and IB grades (1 to 7) are used for reporting student progress. Internal moderation checks will ensure that the internally marked coursework is at the standard defined by the IB so that students receive a true reflection of the marks they will receive and are aligned with the assessment philosophy of the IBO. Standardisation of Assessment is a requirement of all subject groups and an outline of this is included as an Appendix C to this document. High-quality assessment is characterised by three attributes: • validity, through alignment with what is taught, learnt and assessed • accessibility, so that each student is given opportunities to demonstrate what they know and can do • reliability, so that assessment results are consistent, dependable or repeatable. • • aligned with curriculum and pedagogy equitable for all students


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