Year 7 Captains book 2019
U nexpected things that happened during our captaincy : Initially we thought that being a captain would be pretty straight forward, all we would have to is come up with an amazing and entertaining idea and it would go perfectly to plan. Within two days of being Year 7 Captains we found that this was not the case. Regardless of how many amazing ideas you have, without planning and organising these activities nothing will go to plan. It is so important to be prepared to dedicate time and effort to the behind the scenes work of these activities in order to succeed. M emorable moments with M rs R owe As Year 7 captains you get the opportunity to spend quality time with Mrs Rowe. Not only is she an amazing mentor but she makes it her mission to get to know you as captains. Within our first week as captains we got the opportunity to join Mrs Rowe on a wonderful coffee date to the Bird and Bush (note to self: you don’t have to have coffee) and continue to enjoy regular “dates” to discuss new ideas for the Year 7’s. The Year 7’s at Somerset can be best described as overly dramatic, spectacular, amusing, enthusiastic and extremely passionate. T hings we will miss most about our captaincy : Throughout our role as Year 7 Captains we have been granted endless amounts of opportunities to become involved with the students. However, I believe the thing we’ll miss most about our captaincy is the time we get to spend with the students; whether it’s at the House carnivals, camp, ping pong or even just having a chat. These memories will be cherished forever. Of course when taking on the role as Year 7 captain you have a completely different cohort of students however, regardless of the group, this role relies on the amount of time and effort you dedicate to it. O ur advice to you is …. To become involved in as many activities as possible and show how passionate you are as a leader by getting to know each and every student and making a concise effort to spend time doing a range of different activities. “You only get out what you put in. Don’t expect more until you do more.”
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Somerset College Year 7 Captains Handbook
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