Year 7 Captains book 2019
W hat does your position entail ? As Year 7 Captains we are in charge of assisting the students in the first year of senior school as well as working with them to make the year as memorable as possible. Throughout the course of the year we’re able to work alongside Mrs Rowe to make their transition into Senior School as memorable and enjoyable as possible. We had the opportunity to attend camp at the beginning of the year which allowed us to get to know the students and engage in heaps of fun activities. We were also able to hold the inaugural swim day which all of the students loved and in addition to this, we ran a ping pong tournament. Throughout the year Mrs Rowe in collaboration with the Year 7 Captains organises pizza parties and many other fun events. In order to fulfil the role of Year 7 Captain, you need to be an extremely outgoing person who is willing to become involved in all of the activities as well as being an enthusiastic role model for the students. You also need to have a strong presence within the common room. During this year Michael and I have been able to get to know all of the Year 7 students and we are so grateful to have been able to spend time with them. If you’re interested in this role you need to be committed to becoming actively involved in the lives of the students as well as being passionate about the wellbeing and service associated with the role. F ive tips you give to your successors In order to follow in our footsteps and become the most amazing Year 7 captains on the planet you should: • Be enthusiastic.
• Listen to their problems; even though they might seem really trivial to you they are so important to them.
• Take time to talk to all different groups of the grade to help them to feel valued and special.
• Realise the role extends further than just the Year 7 Common Room. You will see the 7s around the school, during PC and (sometimes) during class!
• Just enjoy it! The Year 7s love having a senior who knows their name and someone who they can talk to in and around the school.
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Somerset College Year 7 Captains Handbook
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