Year 7 Assessment Booklet 2020
LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE (ENGLISH): COURSE OUTLINE AIMS OF LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE (ENGLISH) The aims of MYP Language and Literature (English) are to enable students to: Use language as a vehicle of thought, creativity, reflection, learning and self-expression. Develop the skills involved in speaking, listening, reading, writing and viewing in a variety of contexts. Read widely to promote a lifelong interest in language and literature. Develop a critical and creative approach to studying and analysing literature. COURSE DESCRIPTION S EMESTER O NE Sentence structure, parts of speech, punctuation and spelling rules will be addressed in detail while novels pertaining to the theme ‘Against the Odds’ will form the basis for literature studies. The assessment of students understanding will be in the form of persuasive essay. In Term Two students will study the elements of narrative writing and plan and write a short story. A final unit of study will involve students expressing a theme through a series of photographs. Using their knowledge of poetic conventions, students will write a free verse poem. S EMESTER T WO Punctuation, grammar and spelling skills will continue to be taught. The presentation of a formal speech will focus on developing skills in the selection and organisation of subject matter and the use of voice, facial expression and body movement to convey meaning. Novels pertaining to the theme ‘War’ will form the basis for literature studies. Assessment of their understanding will be in the form of an analytical exposition. Students will view a fantasy/science fiction film. The assessment for this unit will be a Film Review. Other related activities such as play writing and designing a book cover will be done.
Mrs Eileen Wheeler English Teacher
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