Year 12 IB Extended Essays 2018

7.0 - Conclusion

Conclusively, Tesla’s motivational strategies has proven to be a success in terms of innovation. Lewin’s Force Field analysis shows that the driving forces are in fact greater than the restraining forces. Although a close call, Tesla’s motivational strategies have proven to outshine its many mistakes and has highly contributed to many innovation outcomes. The analysis of stakeholder perspectives in unison with Lewin’s Force Field analysis has helped strengthen the argument on whether Tesla’s strategies have been gainful. According to my findings, there are a greater number of stakeholders that benefit from Tesla’s motivational style, compared to those who do not. Pink’s motivational theories have also largely contributed to Tesla’s innovation outcomes. It has undoubtedly fostered great creative thinking, which is critical to most tasks at Tesla when saving the world from its carbon problem. Tesla Pink's mainly utilizes motivational theories as a base to build his own. Nevertheless, the limitations of Pink’s theories have also been considered and an overall conclusion has been reached. I believe that having a flexible organizational culture that appreciates all forms of motivation, would contribute to innovation outcomes to a greater extent. This is primarily because people are not identical in terms of how they can be motivated. Respecting the difference of cultures while trying to implement motivational strategies is vital if one wants to achieve the greatest outcome. Tesla’s success is a prime example of the importance of innovation in today’s world. In my view, its success stems from a CEO who isn’t fearful to take a different approach on how he motivates staff to achieve outcomes. The organization has transformed from a niche automobile manufacturer to the driving force behind advances in sustainable technology.


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