Year 12 IB Extended Essays 2017
The purpose of this extended essay is to examine the protagonists of the tragedies King Lear
and Macbeth , and their displaying of indicative physiognomies of madness; in response to the
question “How does Shakespeare utilise the characteristics of lunacy and madness in King Lear
and Macbeth ?” William Shakespeare uses the concept of lunacy in many of his works to act as
a plot device, and to further complicate his characters and their relationships. Manifesting in
the forms of paranoia, hallucinations, delusions, suspicion, secrecy, confinement and isolation
from society, Shakespeare uses the element of madness to contribute to the atmosphere of self-
destruction that exudes from the archetypal Shakespearean protagonist. Though the symptoms
of madness differ from character to character, Shakespeare uses more dramatic qualities, such
as suicidal tendencies, feelings of guilt, and emotional regression. Both the characters of
Macbeth and King Lear exhibit these qualities at different concentrations and stages; and the
two characters are inherently similar, specifically regarding their own contributions to their
respective demise. The plays both include examples of supernatural activity, which
Shakespeare was known to have an avid interest in, and used as an underlying theme in many
of his works.
The link between Shakespeare and his interest in the effect of madness on one’s psyche stems
from his fascination with the romanticised ‘melancholy’ of mental collapse – an ailment to
which many writers and intellectuals were prone, resultant of exposure to rejection and
unrequited love (Tosh, 2016). Shakespeare’s interest in the dissolution of one’s mentality
manifested in much of his work, and is oft represented in major characters. In the case of
Macbeth and King Lear – other characters notwithstanding – the character plagued by insanity
brings downfall upon themselves, causing a ‘ripple’ effect that sends the plot into a chaotic
300 words
Extended Essay
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