Year 12 IB Extended Essays 2017
gjy664 – Chinggis Khan and the Mongol Empire
Although other factors, such as instability of conquered nations, enabled Mongol success, it is
clear that Chinggis Khan was the main causal factor for the creation and expansion of the
Mongol Empire. The sources demonstrate that Chinggis had a tremendous impact on Mongol
organisation. He also had a psychological impact by using tradition and social status to
establish loyalty and discipline, and counter parochial tribalism. In the military sphere,
Chinggis created organisational systems and an Imperial Guard that facilitated Mongol success
in expansion. These factors are evident in both primary sources, and the outcome was that the
Mongols rapidly grew their empire.
Chinggis Khan’s personal style of leadership cannot be underestimated. In particular, Chinggis
was able to instil fear, discipline and implement an expansionist policy. On this point, there is
some divergence between the two primary sources. Whilst both sources cover Mongol fear
tactics, discipline and expansionist policy, a detailed account of tactics is absent in the Secret
History , whilst Ystoria Mongalorum is heavily focused on warrior culture. Nonetheless, these
military tactics were important for Mongol success in breaking the power of opponents.
Like many other great leaders of his time, Chinggis Khan was an extraordinarily gifted
politician and strategist. However, Chinggis was also somewhat unique in that he combined
these talents with being an outstanding tactical commander in battle. Mongol military tactics
and the system of adaption were critical in Mongol success, with emphasis on establishing a
strong army, adapting tactics and division of labour to suit battle conditions. However, while
both sources acknowledge the importance of military tactics, Carpini’s report suggests that
they were not critical to Mongol success. Nonetheless, these tactics as well as strong military,
unity, loyalty, terror and alliances were critical to Mongol success. Hence, Chinggis Khan had
a significant influence on the creation and expansion of the Mongol Empire.
Today, students are given a snapshot of the expansion of the Mongol Empire when they study
History in high school. Too often there is an unbalanced emphasis on the warrior society and
their military skills. This research task has demonstrated that any historical study should
include the perspectives of the two primary sources described in this essay and, consequently,
give a more balanced appraisal of the role of Chinggis Khan.
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