Year 12 IB Extended Essays 2017
The aim of this paper is to provide a conclusion as “ to what extent did store expansion and
poor inventory management contribute to the decline of Dick Smith?” This research question
will be based off the subject Business and Management. In order to achieve this I will use the
following sources and methods to answer the research question:
McGrathNicol Dick Smith Report.
- News articles. For example, Channel News and
- Business related articles from valid sources such as, Investopedia, Smart Company and
- I will also use the company’s website as a primary source of identifying the company’s
background information
From the use of these different sources I came to a conclusion that store expansion and poor
inventory management was a large contribution to the collapse of Dick Smith due to the over
expenditure and borrowings from banks to fund the installment of retail stores which led to an
increase of $70m in debt. Furthermore, the company held stock worth circa $316m, which a
large percentage of it was made redundant due to being out of date technology and unsalable.
This issue led to stock write downs and clearance sales which in turn created a loss of cash
inflow and profit. From this, Dick Smith was financially unstable and major suppliers such as
Apple restricted them from purchasing products due to insufficient funds and large money
already owed from prior trade. Furthermore, banks disallowed further loans which were needed
to pay for ongoing costs such as lease liabilities and already existent loans from the initial
investment in retail store establishment. Consequently, it can be noted that the plan of store
expansion and poor inventory management was a large factor that triggered the decline and
overall collapse of Dick Smith.
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