Year 12 IB Extended Essays 2017
father, who “bit [her] pretty red heart in two”, following with the blame of the narrator’s suicide
due to her father’s death as she was trying to ‘get back’ to him.
Anne Sexton
Anne Sexton was habitually arraigned for her self-revelation, famous for showcasing the “dark
side of middle-class domesticity” (Pollitt, 1991). Similar to Plath, Sexton grew up in
Massachusetts and was born in 1928 (Wagner-Martin, 2017). Sexton who suffered a traumatic
childhood, felt that her parents were hostile to her, and feared possible abandonment from
them, leading her to take solace in her ‘Nana’, her maiden great-aunt (Wagner-Martin, 2017).
Her personal tragedy and experiences leaked into her works, giving us insight into her life,
marriage and health. Anne Sexton’s health was a primary concept and thematic concern in her
poems after several and frequent suicide attempts over the course of her life, before she
asphyxiated herself with carbon monoxide in her garage in Boston (Wagner-Martin, 2017).
Her naked and confronting poems insightfully bring attention, and light, to massive and deep
social and personal issues, making Anne Sexton a noted, confessional poet.
One of Sexton’s most popular poems, Again and Again and Again 4 (1960), encroaches upon
the reader the confronting issue of a recurrent burden, eating away at one. The figurative
meaning of the poem, stresses that no matter how hard one tries, it keeps coming back - again
and again. The ‘it’, in the case of this poem, is Sexton’s depression. Although the speaker is a
heartbroken woman, it can easily be switched with Anne Sexton herself, as she suffered from
depression her entire life. Recurring spurs of memory appear throughout her work, like the
death of her ‘Nana’, followed by the death of both her parents, the decline of her marriage and
constant fear of showcasing her work publically; meant Sexton was never clear of the
depressing thoughts. The poem talks of the heartbroken woman hidden behind the depression,
calling it “a mask, I try on”. However, although the woman talks of the depression hiding the
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