Year 12 IB Extended Essays 2017
Spring as a Reference to Growth, Childhood and New Beginnings
Many of cummings’ works are very closely tied to nature. Spring is a significant focus of many
of his poems and he often presents Spring as a symbol of new beginnings, childhood and hope.
It is a season of unparalleled growth that is treated so reverently by cummings that it is almost
divine. The title of his poem ‘ spring omnipotent goddess Thou’ optimizes his reverent view of
the season. The representation of Spring can be aligned with the wonder associated with the
spontaneous delight of youth.
in Just- 6 captures both the innocence of childhood and links back to the irony of youth
discussed previously, all through the assertions of Spring. The bubbling atmosphere of
childhood is achieved through childish jargon and poetic technique. Cummings invents words
to describe Spring, like “mud-luscious” and “puddle-wonderful”, suggesting that to a child
everything is wondrous – even such things as mud and puddles. This ever-appreciative outlook,
he suggests, should be retained to preserve one’s youth. The utilisation of word fusion and
irregular spacing, for example in line 5, “whistles far and wee”, simulates the child-
like excitement and energy of children. Cummings plays with spacing by placing Spring on a
new line every time it is mentioned - “in Just/ Spring” and “it’s/ spring”, serving to disrupt the
reading and forcing the reader to acknowledge its importance. Cummings also delves into the
inevitable change that children will undergo through the symbolic character of “the
balloonman”. On first introduction, he is depicted as “little” and “lame”, projecting a harmless
image. Upon his return in the poem, the balloonman is decribed as “goatfooted” and “Man” is
capitalised. He is now a symbol of adulthood, puberty and sexual awakening. This can be
linked back to the irony and transient nature of youth. The descriptor, “goat-footed” is a
reference to the Satyr Pan (Landles 2014, p.2) – the god of sexuality who is meant to spark
sexual change in children during Spring. Each word is also placed on a separate line, reading
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