Year 12 IB Extended Essays 2017
This essay philosophically explores the relationship between machinery and the labour theory of
value in the emerging digital era. In doing so, I am addressing the question of the extent to which
Marx’s theory of labour-value exchange will be superseded by Proudhon’s philosophy, given the
dynamics of the digital age. Specifically, this inquiry evaluates Pierre-Joseph Proudhon’s and Karl
Marx’s contrasting philosophies. Additionally, a number of contemporary exemplars are analysed to
better understand the changing dynamics of machinery and labour-value relationships. My thesis is
that while Proudhon’s ideas were superseded by Marx in the industrial era, they seem to be better
applied to understand the political and social effects of digitisation.
Themethodology for research and evaluation is based on two philosophical treatises, Proudhon’s The
Philosophy of Poverty (1847) and Marx’s The Poverty of Philosophy (1847). In addition to these
philosophical works, this essay also draws upon several case studies showing the effects of digitisation
on modern society. These case studies include the Wikimedia Foundation, the development of
OpenSSL, and the societal dislocation observed in China and Japan due to digitisation and changing
labour-value relations. The scope of this essay does not include critiquing Marx’s labour theories in
Das Kapital (1867), and the arguments presented against it. Although this would be an important
avenue of further inquiry, I have instead decided to focus on the seminal works of Proudhon and
I consider that this study is important because, although Marx provided significant credibility for
understanding labour relationships in the industrial age, his theories break down when the dynamics
of the digital era are evident. Instead, Proudhon’s theories are more applicable. Therefore, Marxism
could well be replaced by ‘Proudhonism’ into the 21st century and beyond.
(287 words)
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