Year 12 IB Extended Essays 2017
familiar and informal, his shift in speech cognizant of his shift in character – with Lear’s
adjustment to humility, and his journey throughout the physical and mental storm.
Shakespeare’s use of allusion was typically reserved to then-current events, and occasionally
biblical references, in order to draw parallels between his works and the current climate. Both
Macbeth and King Lear include an underlying message of warning against intervention of the
monarchy. In Macbeth , the murder of King Duncan causes death and civil strife in Scotland,
and results in the tragic, doomed ending. In King Lear , Regan and Goneril, and to a lesser
extent, Edmund, formulate plot against Lear, in order to gain wealth and power for themselves.
Once more, this brings death and destruction upon them – a possible note from Shakespeare in
support of the King. Macbeth and King Lear both refer to the hanging of traitors – a popular
practice in England at the time, and especially so following civil unrest due to the Stuart
ascension to the throne. Furthermore, Macbeth alludes to the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 against
James I – referring to Henry Garnet, a conspirator who was executed for committing perjury.
Upon his execution, Garnet claimed he deserved the right to equivocate, even under oath –
“equivocation … that lies like truth” (Appendix 11) being a major contributor to Macbeth’s
corruptive paranoia (Cambridge School of Shakespeare, 2014 ) .
Extended Essay
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