Year 12 IB Assessment Booklet 2020

SENIOR SCHOOL ASSESSMENT AND ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICY Policy and procedures Self-assessment For students to develop fully as independent learners they need to engage in self- assessment of their work. This is fundamental to the DP and to the MYP in the Approaches to Learning and to develop QCE skills. Students need guidance from the teacher in developing self-assessment skills. This may be achieved in the classroom where teachers: • share learning objectives with students • make explicit the criteria for assessment so that students are clear about what they need to do to be successful (transparent) • give students the technical language to discuss their work constructively • encourage students to mark and discuss each other’s work • build in time for individual, group and whole-class reviews of on-going or completed work • guide students in selecting work for their portfolios. Due dates for final responses will be published in the assessment booklets. Due dates for checkpoints and drafts will be published on the assessment piece. All students will be provided with their assessment schedule by the end of Week 3 in each year. The assessment schedule will: • align with syllabus requirements • provide sufficient working time for students to complete the task • allow for internal quality assurance processes • enable timelines for quality assurance processes to be met in all programmes • be clear to teachers, students and parents/carers • be consistently applied • be clearly communicated by the end of Week 3 each year • give consideration to allocation of workload and personal-wellbeing of students and teachers Student responsibility Students are responsible for: • recording due dates in their diaries • planning and managing their time to meet the due dates including drafts and progress checks • informing the school as soon as possible if they have concerns about assessment load and meeting due dates. In cases where students are unable to meet a due date, they will: • inform the Deputy Headmaster, Dean of Studies or Dean of Middle Years as soon as possible • encourage students to evaluate their own work, before it is marked by theteacher • assist students in reflecting on the process of learning (metacognition) and its outcomes, and in setting targets for improvement. School responsibility Somerset College is required to adhere to QCAA, MYP and IB Diploma policies for gathering evidence of student achievement on or before the due date.

Due dates

• provide the College with relevant documentation, e.g. medical certificate and complete a missed Test/Examination form (Appendix A) or an Application for Extension – Assessment Other Than Examination /Test (Appendix B). Unless very exceptional circumstances, an extension must be sought prior to the due date. • adhere to alternative arrangements for submission of assessment, if applicable, as decided by the school.


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