Year 12 IB Assessment Booklet 2020
The final IB result is determined in Year 12 as follows: Internal Assessment (25%):
25% of the total marks at the end of the Language B course are allocated to the internal assessment of oral work, which is completed in Term 3 of Year 12. This internal assessment mark is determined by the student’s performance in the Individual Oral. • Individual Oral: 12-15 minutes recorded under examination conditions and submitted for moderation. Presentation by the candidate (after 15 minutes’ preparation time) and follow-up discussion with the teacher. External Assessment (75%): • Paper 1 (25%) : Productive skills (Writing). One writing task of 250–400 words from a choice of three, each from a different theme, choosing a text type from among those listed in the examination instructions. • Paper 2 (50%): Receptive skills (Reading and Listening). Each skill is examined separately. Comprehension passages will be drawn from all five of the themes covered in the course. + Listening: three audio passages + Reading: three written texts Core Themes • Throughout the course, students will study topics relating to the following five themes: + Identities + Experiences + Human Ingenuity
+ Social Organisation + Sharing the Planet
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