Year 12 IB Assessment Booklet 2019
ORIGINAL WORK All assessment tasks submitted must be the original work of the students and all references used must be acknowledged. Refer to the Somerset College Referencing Guide and the Academic Integrity Policy. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Academic Integrity is vitally important in maintaining and growing the atmosphere of intellectual inquiry at Somerset College. Academic Integrity is a generic term that encompasses ALL breaches of unacknowledged borrowing. The word integrity is used to describe a person’s honesty, moral principles and strength of character. Choosing to display integrity is an important behavior, and one that applies to all aspects of your life, both now and into the future. Displaying and upholding Academic Integrity is
everyone’s responsibility including the following groups: • the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO)
• schools • teachers • students • tutors • parents/carers/others in a support role.
The QCAA QCE and QCIA Policy and Procedures Handbook 2019, lists the following types of academic misconduct and examples of behaviours. The types of misconduct and examples listed are not exhaustive.
Type of misconduct
Cheating while under supervised conditions
A student: • begins to write during perusal time or continues to write after the instruction to stop writing is given • uses unauthorised equipment or materials • has any notation written on the body, clothing or any object brought into an assessment room • communicates with any person other than a supervisor during an examination, e.g. through speaking, signing, electronic device or other means such as passing notes, making gestures or sharing equipment with another student. When: • more than one student works to produce a response and that response is submitted as individual work by one or multiple students • a student assists another student to commit an act of academic misconduct • a student gives or receives a response to an assessment. A student: • pays for a person or a service to complete a response to an assessment • sells or trades a response to an assessment. A student: • deliberately or knowingly makes it possible for another student to copy responses • looks at another student’s work during an exam • copies another student’s work during an exam.
Contract cheating
Copying work
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