Year 12 IB Assessment Booklet 2019
SENIOR SCHOOL ASSESSMENT POLICY RESPONSIBILITIES OF STAKE HOLDERS TOWARDS ASSESSMENT AT SOMERSET COLLEGE College Responsibilities • Publish all assessment dates on the Somerset College calendar; • Provide students with assessment instruments in an appropriate time frame; • Provide feedback to students on assessment tasks in a timely manner; • Enact procedures which make sure that a consistency of standards is kept in the marking of assessment instruments; • Inform parent/guardian in a timely manner when students do not meet their responsibilities as outlined below. Student Responsibilities • Do their very best on all assessment tasks; • Ensure that assessment is undertaken ethically and with academic integrity; • Use the College Referencing Policy; • Present a draft/progress check to teachers for each assessment (other than tests/examinations); • Submit all assessment tasks (other than tests/examinations) by the due date as follows: - Years 11 and 12 : via ‘Turnitin’, and via hard copy; • Complete a ‘Missed Test/ Examination’ form (Appendix A) or ‘Application for Extension – Assessment Other Than Examination/Test’ form (Appendix B) prior to the due date and submit to the Deputy Headmaster, providing support documentation to validate the extension. Parent/Guardian Responsibilities • Encourage students to be present for all tests/examinations and to submit all drafts and final assessment instruments by the due date; • Inform the appropriate staff of any difficulties concerning the completion of assessment items and provide documentary evidence. PROCEDURE FOR MISSED TESTS/EXAMINATIONS 1. Parent/Guardian advises Deputy Headmaster of absence at the earliest opportunity. Advice is given that documentary evidence is needed. 2. Student completes a missed test/examination form (available in Schoolbox) at the earliest opportunity, attaches documentary evidence and hands same to Deputy Headmaster (Years 11 and 12) 3. Students sit for the test/examination as soon as they return to school or if during a Block Examination session at the earliest opportunity in the Block session. 4. Deputy Headmaster submits to Administrator of Academic Services to place on student file.
“Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence.” ~ Robert Frost
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