Year 12 IB Assessment Booklet 2019
The final IB result is determined in Year 12 as follows: Internal Assessment (30%): The internal assessment score consists of two marks. Interactive Oral Activity (10%) : the mark for one of three mandatory interactive oral activities based on the core topics (the best one). Individual Oral (20%) : 15 min preparation time, duration 8-10 minute oral in response to previously unseen photographs (pick one of two based on the options) (recorded under examination conditions and submitted for moderation) Part 1- presentation by the candidate prepared prior to the oral (3-4 minutes) Part 2- follow-up questions and discussion with teacher on issues arising from the presentation. Time: 5- 6 minutes External Assessment (70%): Paper 1 – Receptive Skills (25%) : Text handling exercises based on four written texts about core topics. Paper 2 – Written Productive Skills (25%) : One writing task of 250-400 words, from a choice of five based on the options. Written Assignment (20%) : Intertextual reading followed by a written task of 300-400 words plus a 150- 200 word rationale based on a core topic.
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