Year 11 QCE Assessment Booklet 2020


VISUAL ART is a course of study consisting of four units. Subject matter, learning experiences and assessment increase in complexity from Units 1 and 2 to Units 3 and 4 as students develop greater independence as learners. Units 1 and 2 provide foundational learning, which allows students to experience all syllabus objectives and begin engaging with the course subject matter. Units 3 and 4 consolidate student learning. Only the results from Units 3 and 4 will contribute to ATAR calculations YR 11 COURSE OUTLINE UNIT FOCUS 1. Art as lens In Unit 1, students look at their material world through the concept of ‘art as lens’, applying different lenses or viewpoints. They explore how artists work through processes to create new ways of thinking, meaning and representation. Beginning with tangible forms as inspiration, they examine and respond to focuses of people, places and objects, producing figurative and non-figurative representations. Students experiment with a range of approaches to improve technical skills, foster curiosity and creative thinking, and inspire innovative art practices. They are guided through the inquiry learning process to develop, research, reflect and resolve responses through learning experiences that facilitate investigation and experimentation.

2. Art as code

In Unit 2, students explore the concept of ‘art as code’ to learn how visual language is capable of expressing complex ideas. Although both spoken language and visual language vary by culture, visual language has the potential to transcend and communicate across cultures, time and geography. Through the inquiry learning process, students explore how visual language, symbol systems and art conventions can express ideas and feelings in images, objects and experiences. They experiment with language in art that can be verbal, inaudible, literal or implied, narrative, metaphoric, persuasive, or decorative. They employ a range of materials, techniques, processes and technologies to make artworks that may be ephemeral or permanent, physical or digital. In Unit 3, students frame a self-directed inquiry question in response to a teacher- facilitated direct stimulus or first-hand experience. Through independent investigation of their inquiry question and application of critical thinking skills, students build knowledge about art, artist and audience to generate a personal focus and commence a body of work. They explore the concept ‘art as knowledge’ as they employ new knowledge inspired by their personal interests, beliefs and observations of the world. YR 11 ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW

3. Art as







1. Investigation - inquiry phase one (15%) written report (1000 to 1500 words) or multimodal presentation (7 to 9 minutes) or digital presentation (8 to 10 A4 pages/slides) 2. Project - inquiry phase 2 (25%) student-selected media area/s single or a collection of resolved artwork\s supporting documentation 3. Project - inquiry phase 3 (35%) student-selected media area/s single or a collection of resolved artwork\s supporting documentation 4. Examination (25%) Two hours plus perusal (10 minutes)

Term One, Week 2 Term One, Week 7

Term One, Week 2 Term Two, Week 4


Term Two, Week 5 Term Three, Week 5

Term Three, Week 7 to 8


To be assessed in Year 12


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