Year 11 QCE Assessment Booklet 2020


ENGLISH is a course of study consisting of four units, completed over two years. Subject matter, learning experiences and assessment increase in complexity from Units 1 and 2 to Units 3 and 4 as students develop greater independence as learners. Only the results for Units 3 and 4 will contribute to ATAR calculations. Across Units 1 and 2, students must study at least three texts. Across Units 3 and 4 students must study at least four texts, selected from the Prescribed Text List. The course provides students with opportunities to enjoy and appreciate language and to be empowered as functional, purposeful, creative and critical language users who understand how texts can convey and transform personal and cultural perspectives. YR 11 COURSE OUTLINE UNIT FOCUS 1. Perspectives and Texts [ Away and Jasper Jones ] In Unit 1, students will examine how perspectives and representations of concepts, identities and/or groups are

constructed through textual choices such as language, medium, style and text structures. This unit allows students to explore how meaning is shaped through the relationships between language, text, purpose, context and audience. In Unit 2, students will develop their understanding of how cultural perspectives are embedded in texts. By engaging with a variety of texts, including Australian texts, students will examine the relationship between language and identity, the effect of textual choices and the ways in which these choices position audiences for particular purposes, revealing attitudes, values and beliefs. In Unit 3, students will explore connections between texts by examining representations of the same concepts and issues in different texts. In doing so, they will consider how the textual constructions of the same concepts and issues in different texts resonate, relate to, and clash with one another.

2. Texts and Culture [Selected Poems/Short Stories and Swallow the Air ]

3. Textual Connections [Episodes of Australian Story (PTL), Four Corners (PTL), TED talks + various media texts Various media texts]







1. Written Response for a Public Audience on Representations in two Texts (25%) 1000 to 1500 words 2. Persuasive Spoken Response (25%) 5 to 8 minutes 3. Imaginative Written Response (25%) Seen Supervised 800 to 1000 words Two hours 15 minutes 4. Analytical Written Response (25%) Unseen Supervised 800 to 1000 words Two hours 15 minutes IA2. Persuasive Spoken Response (25%) 5-8 minutes

Term One, Week 2 Term One, Week 8

Term One, Week 9 Term Two, Week 4


Term Three, Week 1

Term Three, Week 2


Term Three, Week 7 to 8


T4 Wk 3

T4 Wk 7


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