Year 11 QCE Assessment Booklet 2019
SUBJECT OVERVIEW DIGITAL SOLUTIONS is a course of study consisting of four units. Subject matter, learning experiences and assessment increase in complexity from Units 1 and 2 to Units 3 and 4 as students develop greater independence as learners. Units 1 and 2 provide foundational learning, which allows students to experience all syllabus objectives and begin engaging with the course subject matter. Units 3 and 4 consolidate student learning. Only the results from Units 3 and 4 will contribute to ATAR calculations. YR 11 COURSE OUTLINE UNIT FOCUS 1. Creating with code In Unit 1, students will explore the creative and technical aspects of developing interactive digital solutions. They investigate algorithms, programming features and useability principles to generate small interactive solutions using programming tools and gain a practical understanding of programming features. This allows them the opportunity to explore existing and developing trends involving digital technologies.
2. Application and data solutions
In Unit 2, students are required to engage with and learn subject matter through the use of the various phases of the problem-solving process in Digital Solutions. Students will optimise a given database and use programming skills acquired in Unit 1 to write procedural text-based code to generate a solution that interacts with an existing database via structured query language (SQL). Students will plan, develop and generate the interface and code to enable the user to insert, update, retrieve and delete data using an existing database via SQL. Prior to inserting the data, the system will validate the data being entered to ensure its integrity and reliability for use and storage. Retrieved data will be displayed to the user in an appropriate format, such as text or a symbolic visual form. In Unit 3, students are required to engage with and learn subject matter through the use of the various phases of the problem-solving process in Digital Solutions. Students analyse the requirements of particular groups of people, and use knowledge and skills of problem-solving, computational, design and systems thinking. They will determine data requirements and use available resources to create prototyped digital solutions by programming and developing user interfaces to improve user experiences. Students will do this through one of the technology contexts: web or mobile applications, interactive media, or intelligent systems (which use microcontrollers, sensing or control boards).
3. Digital innovation
1. Investigation — technical proposal (20%) multimodal presentation, 9–11 minutes 2. Project — digital solution (30%) 8–10 A3 pages 2–4-minute video recording of digital solution 4–6 A4 pages of code with annotations 3. Project — folio (25%) 8–10 A3 pages 2–4 A4 pages of code with annotations 1–2-minute video recording of functionality
Term 1 Week 1
Term 1 Week 5
Term 1 Week 1
Term 2 Week 2
Term 2 Week 5
Term 3 Week 2
4. Examination (25%) 2 hours plus perusal (15 minutes) To be assessed in Year 12
Term 3 Week 6-8
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